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Draco ignored the curious looks from those baffled Gryffindors. He did not want to deal with them, and from how things had been going, the Trio had become simply more and more annoying. It was as though Draco's lack of care or regard for them seemed to anger them even more than when he did. He could not quite understand it. At first they hated when he taunted them, going so far as to continually resort to magical means to verbal taunting, but now that he was preoccupied with other things it would seem as though...well, either way it was annoying. He could practically feel them staring at him and Tom and once Tom left their gaze burned into his side. He ignored it, once again, for what it was worth.

"What happened? Are you alright now?" Pansy questioned softly. This was a delicate matter, after all, it was embaressing enough that he had almost fainted in Herbology, and they did not want to drag any further attention to him. It was a smart move, and Crabbe and Goyle rounded off behind Pansy and Blaise, so that the three of them where in their own little bubble waiting for the Defense teacher. "We wanted to stay for longer but that stupid healer refused to let us."

"I am fine, feeling quite a bit better now, actually." He saw the moment the two caught a glimpse of the silver glinting around his neck as he leaned back against the wall, playing nonchalant again. He actually did feel quite better. Knowing that Tom had finally given the first of three courting gifts left him feeling far more relaxed than he supposed he had a right to be. At the very least, it made it seem as though his place at the Dark Lord's side was more assured than before. He was grateful for it, though he would have never dared to demand a courting gift from the Dark Lord himself, he was glad that the other had taken the time to actually procure one, late as it may have been.

"What...What is that?" Blaise whispered, his eyes wide and some sort of emotion hiding behind his eyes. Draco could not catch what it was, as it fled almost as soon as it came. If he had to put a name to it, perhaps wariness? But that was the common state of all Slytherins anyways, so it did not really surprise Draco, although there was something different about it, so it was close to that, but not quite. He shook his head mentally, he needed to snap out of this.

"Tom's first courting gift." Draco said, just as quietly, his fingers lifting up to trace the emblems on it, a small smile taking over his face. "He enchanted it with his magic, so it is encased within the metal. I do not know how he did so so quickly, but either way it clearly is helping. Not to mention, it was about time he gifted me the first courting gift." Draco lifted his head up stiffly and stared towards the ceiling.

"Hold on a moment," Pansy gave a little laugh, as though she could not believe what she was hearing. "You are telling me that you have been betrothed for at least two months now, and this is the first gift he's given you? It is supposed to be presented at the time of the betrothal, not two months later!" her voice was reaching dangerous levels of screeching, and Blaise took the time to cover her mouth hastily, saving Draco from doing it himself.

"Calm youself down will you?" He barked lowly. "It is not for us to question. Clearly Mr. Malfoy and his father were perfectly fine with the arrangement." Draco pasted his best political smile on his face at that, neither of his friends quite noticing how fake it had turned. His father certainly had not approved. He doubted he would approve even with the current gift. He was not entirely sure why. He was being courted by the Dark Lord! One of the most powerful wizards ever. It did not make any sense. If he had to guess, there was something his father was not telling him, but that had been a given from the beginning. As for why his father was the one angry about the betrothal, not his grandfather, well he just did not know. The only true way to find out would be to ask his Father, but Draco did not dare to start such a conversation. It would not end well.

"Ah, class, why are you standing out here, in, in, come on." They gave the new teacher a weird look, but simply filed in after him, Draco, Crabbe and Goyle taking a seat closer to the back and leaning against the chair, hiking his feet up on the desk.

His friends meant well, Draco knew, but he just could not understand why they were so wary of Tom. It was not as though the other had done anything wrong. Sure some things were a bit uncouth, but...why were they seemingly so agitated. If he thought about it, it was not just his friends that were acting oddly. The whole of Slytherin seemed to be a bit on edge around Tom. Which would make sense, had they known he was the Dark Lord, but nobody barring himself and his family knew such a thing, so he did not understand what was going on. He would have expected this year to make everyone less agitated. Dumbledore was kicked out, they had the upper hand finally, the classes were already beginning to switch in terms of cirriculum and yet...they seemed to be more edgy than last year when they had a huge ass giant snake slithering around the school petrifying people. 

He supposed he could ask them, but that was folly. He already knew that they would not say anything. He closed his eyes, letting the frustration flood him for but a moment, before opening them once again and staring at the new teacher. He had little hopes for him, but then again after two horrible teachers...he had low expectations anyways. Then again, he was hired by Mcgonagall, not Dumbledore, so perhaps...perhaps there was hope.  

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