My dad stood frozen in the door way with his jaws on the floor.          My mother covered her mouth with her hands. She looked just as surprised by her actions as I was.

“I’m so so-……. I didn’t mean to……. I was just so…..and she was being so….. Honey are you okay?” she reached her hand out to touch me but I flinched in hear of being slapped again and took a step back.

That was when the tears came I was really putting on a show expect it wasn't a show and I was realling crying. The neighbors could probably hear me.

“Get out please “I managed to say between sobs. My dad ended up dragging my mom out of the room and we haven’t spoken since or should I say haven’t spoken to her since.

I just don’t understand how a mother can go from painting her daughters nails and having girl’s night out or girl talk every other Saturday night to not even looking at your own child.

My dad has decided to stay out of the whole think and I’ve been living off school lunch since I refuse to carry whatever she packs for me I don't trust her with my lunch when we aren't on good terms.

I will never look at my mother the same way again.

David is really the only one that knows about everything, apart from my cousin. I don’t feel like telling Abby and I just met Josephine I’m not ready to give her details about my personal life.

“What are you thinking about” he said poking my side

“How things have taken such a drastic turn in such a short time, my life was so good before but now it’s horrible”

“Come on its not that bad, many people wish they have a life like yours”

“Oh really what’s so great about it?”

“You have a shelter, food, clothing, money, a family who loves you, an amazing boyfriend who loves you, good education, life, you’re healthy, not missing any body parts, not in the hospital, the mere fact that you woke up this morning”

“Yea but what’s the point if at the end of the day I’m not happy”

“So you’re not happy with me?” he frowned

“Of course I am, I’m just not happy with what has been happening at home”

“Well it’s only for a short time soon you and your mom will be back on good terms”

“No we won’t I don’t want to be friends with her anymore. She ruined that”

“Every teen goes through that phase with their parents so you’ll get over it”

“It’s not a phase okay, she slapped me! She crossed the line”

“Ok let’s talk about something different………so when am I gonna get to meet this friend of yours who’s been keeping you company on your lonely days” David asked playing with my hair

“Stop I took like twenty minutes this morning to do my hair” I said swatting away his hand

“Twenty minutes and it looks like that?”  I shot him a look and he quickly changed his sentence “I mean it looks so beautiful I thought it took longer he he”


He took the opportunity to lie down in my lap and started playing with my belly.

“Someone is touchy today”

“As always… anyway when am I going to meet her?”

“Today, I invited her to eat with us at pizza hut, Abby’s boyfriend bailed on her and I don’t want her feeling like a third wheel”

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