Chapter 16

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The bright light of the medical lamp above me stung my eyes.

I tried to get up but I couldn't. My head, neck, wrists and ankles are all tied down with thick metal clamps. I immediately felt the cold metal table underneath me and a strong shiver went down my spine.

I could barely hear mama and daddy talking in the distance.

"She's just a child," mama whispered.

"You need to stop this. You knew what we were doing when we made her. This has to be done." I heard daddy snap.

"Edward, she's only 10 years old! She's still a baby. And I'm her mother, how else do you expect me to react!" Mama's voice quivered.

"Well I was hoping that after 10 years you would be fucking used to it. Just don't think of her as a child. Think of her for what she is." Daddy grumbled.

Are they talking about me? "Mama?" I called out. My throat is so dry. How long have I been here?

"Shit." Daddy whispered.

Mama walked over to me and her face blocked the harsh light from the light above me, "Everything will be alright, my darling Audrina." She brushed back the hair gently that was stuck on my face with sweat. "In the morning this will all be gone."

What does she mean by that?

She walked away and I heard her and daddy leave the room. The door sounded heavy and there were many locks afterward.

My head feels so fuzzy. I can't focus on anything anymore. My vision is getting so fuzzy. What's going on?

I began to feel a burning behind my eyes. The burning feeling kept on growing. Faster and faster within each second.

"Mama?!" I cried.

No response.

That burning quickly began to feel like an eternal fire.

"MAMA? DADDY?" I cried louder.

Still. No response.

My breaths became shorter and the fire behind my eyes became hotter. Then I felt that fire shoot through my eyes and a blood curdling scream followed.

Red fire hot lasers shot through my eyes and they continued for the next 6 hours. It felt like an eternity. The pain soon became bearable and I was able to control it.

The door opened and it sounded like my mom entered the room. Her footsteps are always recognizable.

"Mama, what are you doing?" My voice extremely hoarse from all the screaming.

I felt a sting in my hand.

"It's okay, darling Audrina. You'll forget all this in no time. It's time for night night." Her voice monotone.

"Mama, I don't want to go night night." I softly begged as I could feel my heart beat slowing down. Everything became blurry again.

"Mama? What's... happening-" I softly said as everything was fading away.

"Shhh, shhh, it's okay baby one. Go to sleep" mama whispered.


I jolted awake and was gasping for air. My head was throbbing and my eyes were burning just like on that day. I gripped my head and tried to soothe the throbbing. I touched my eyes and they were hot to touch.

"Shit!" I quickly turned on the lamp and checked to see if I accidentally shot any lasers in my sleep. I sighed in relief as I saw my room in its normal state.

There was a sudden knock on my door. My glance shot over at the doorknob in fear.

My mother quickly opened the door and had her usual glowing smile, "Ah, good you're up! Your father and I made pancakes! Come join us for breakfast." She blew me a kiss and closed the door.

I locked the door with my mind and instantly heard a knock at my window. I looked over and it was Lash with his bright smile, as per usual. I opened the window with my mind and stayed in bed.

What I saw last night wasn't a dream. It was too real to be a dream. It was a memory. Why in the hell did my parents erase my memory of that night and why is it coming back now?

The past couple of nights I have been having these memories flood back in. I felt a small burn behind my eyes.

"Audrina?" Lash was standing in front of my bed holding a small bouquet of wild flowers.

"Huh? Sorry." I rubbed my eyes. Snap out of it, Audrina.

"I have been talking to you but you didn't respond. Must of had a rough night's sleep huh!" he softly laughed, "I brought these for you, beautiful." He smiled and he gestured the flowers towards me.

"Put them in the vase please that's on my desk." I softly smiled and pointed over to the vase and filled it with water using my power.

"Soooo," his voice sung, "what are we going to do for your birthday tomorrow?" He walked over to me on the bed and hopped to sit right next to me.

Oh shit. It's my birthday tomorrow. I completely forgot.


Each one of those memories. I remember celebrating my birthday very soon after that. Once I woke up I remember mom and dad would wake me up with a special breakfast. It's all coming back now. I know I remembered going through the pain of receiving each new power every birthday but it was way different than what I have been remembering these past couple of nights. How were they able to alter my memory? Was it what was in that shot that mom always gave me once everything was over? Is it going to happen again tonight? I felt a slight throbbing my head.

"Agh, I don't know," I softly laughed. I looked at him and then I kissed him, "but I definitely want to see you here in my room tomorrow morning."

"Oo, really?" He smirked and kissed me.

There was a knock on my door and he froze.

"Audrina! Come on the pancakes are going to get cold!" My mother said then she quickly went back to the kitchen.

"I guess that's my queue to leave." He laughed and kissed me one last time before he hopped out of my window.

It was weird having to sneak around again now that my parents are back home. I could just manipulate their minds to be okay with it. Wait, why haven't I done that yet?

I put on my robe and walked over to the kitchen. Time to look my parents in the face. Let's see how that goes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2020 ⏰

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