Chapter 8

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I woke up to the loud ring of my phone. I moaned and sleepily grabbed my phone. I put the phone to my ear whilst under the covers.

"Hello?" I croaked.

"Come to the warehouse." Warren bluntly said then hung up.

Great. I looked at my messages only to find a hundred texts from Zack. I sighed and deleted them all without looking at them. I took a quick shower and got ready. I put on black ripped jeans, a band shirt, and Warren's leather jacket. I barely had the energy to go down the stairs, how am I going to run to the warehouse? I groaned. If I don't go Warren will be pissed. He is pissed everyday, what's the difference? I stomped out of my house, then sped off. I arrived to the warehouse, and entered through one of the back garages. I saw a very sweaty Warren wearing a black tank top and black gym pants. His hair was pulled back in a pony tail and one strand seemed to fall on his forehead. A very very sweaty forehead might I add. His body glistened with sweat, as my body wanted to latch onto him. His muscles were prominent, and due to the amounts of sweat (YES I know I've been mentioning the "sweat" a lot. If you were here you would too) it seems he was working on something really tough. Gosh, I wish he was working on me. AUDRINA, FOCUS. The followers, Lash, Speed, and Penny, were training on the left side of the huge garage.

"Doll," he purred, as he smiled that devilish grin and made his way toward me, "I'm so glad you came." You basically forced me to come. He put his finger under my chin pointing my head up, and kissed me very passionately. He placed his hand on my lower back, under the jacket, and brought me closer to him. He smiled and made his way to my ear, "you're going to love this, Doll." He whispered in my ear. He bit my ear, and grabbed my hand. He led me to the center of the garage.

He clapped his hands once, and loudly. Everyone that was training came over. "Lash, Speed, Penny, do please come over here," he motioned to the left of him, "I want you to see this." He hasn't stopped grinning. Dear Lord...

"Now," he took a step forward with his hands behind his back, "one of you hurt my beloved Queen last night," he said condescendingly, and chuckled, "if you were smart you would have stayed here with the group, because you know I would find you, and well-" he laughed, "I'll leave the rest to your absent mind." Shit is about to get ugly, and I can't wait to see it. None of the followers stepped forward.

Warren popped his neck by rolling his head, and his face was completely absent of all emotion, "if you don't step up now, you're really going to regret it."

I instantly recognized the lanky teen boy who stepped up and was colored with fear. Warren grinned, "is this him?" He didn't even turn to me, his eyes were locked on the poor soul.

"Yes," I simply said as I crossed my arms.

"Come on, don't be scared," Warren grinned. The boy walked up to Warren. "A little help, Doll?"

I walked up to the boy, and whispered in his ear, "don't move." The boy's eyes were glossed over, and like I said he didn't move. I went back to where I was standing.

Warren grabbed the face of the boy firmly and looked into his eyes. Still grabbing the face of the boy, he lit the boy's face on fire. The screams of the boy echoed off the walls. Warren's stern face soon turned into a devilish grin. The boy's screams stopped and Warren snapped his neck. The boy plopped to the floor with a charcoaled face.

"Now that that is over," Warren dusted off his hands, "that was just a little taste of what could happen to you if you hurt my Queen," he turned to the followers, "or if you run away from me." He grinned. "Go back to training, and do with what you will to the body." Some of the followers immediately grabbed the body, and some went back to training.

"Audrina, stay in the office until I come for you." He winked, "Lash, follow her." Warren walked over to the followers as Lash and I walked to the office. It was silent for a while. Kind of awkward.

"Wanna see something cool?" Lash smiled.

"Go ahead," I propped my head with my hand as I leaned on the table.

He stretched his arm to me and his hand put a strand of hair behind my ear. Once his arm retracted, I stretched mine and gave him a thumbs up, "amazing."

"Of course," he mumbled. I laughed, got up, and sat next to him. He and I talked for what seemed to be hours. He made me laugh multiple times, and made me feel happy. I got closer to him as the conversation progressed. He is nothing like Layla, Zack, or Puss. He is real with me. He puts no facade up.

"Is Lash even your real name?" I smiled.

"Gosh, I'm afraid so," he laughed while face palming.

"How did it come to be?" I leaned in closer to him.

"My father died from a drug overdose, my mother killed herself because my dad died, and  I was sent to an orphanage with no name as an infant. As I grew up in the orphanage, mischief found me and I found it. I would get whipped, slapped, spanked, you name it, every single day. So the head Sister of the orphanage named me Lash, because there never was a day I would miss a lashing." He laughed.

"Dear God, you're almost as fucked up as I am." I laughed

"Almost?" He questioned with that adorable smile.

"Almost." I pinched my fingers close but not touching. He and I laughed in unison. He placed his hand on my thigh, and I stopped laughing.
He looked at me, and I looked at him.

"Warren wouldn't like this." I got up and sat in the seat I once was. Across from Lash.

"Audrina-" Lash stoop up, only to be interrupted by the door swinging open.

"Ah! I'm glad you took great care of my Audrina, Lash!" Warren walked up to me. I stood up and he grabbed me into a passionate kiss.

He looked back at Lash, "you're dismissed." He grinned and went back to kissing me. Lash left the room, and closed the door silently.

Warren continued to kiss me passionately. He propped me up on the table. He took off his tank top and kissed me harder.

"What's with the sudden urge, Warren?" I said between breaths as he kissed my neck and I rubbed his bare sweaty chest with my hands.

"I've been waiting to do this to you since the moment you walked in today." he growled in my ear and bit my neck continuously. He slipped the jacket off of me and my shirt. "Dear God, Audrina." He kissed rougher and grinded on me. I moaned and that seemed to drive him even more mad.

"I-I just," he moaned as my hand slipped into his pants. He stopped and grabbed my hand, "tsk tsk, naughty girl, don't tease Daddy," he smirked. 

His smile was covered with my blood from the bites he gave me. I wiped some blood from his lip with my finger, and tasted it seductively. He grabbed my hand, "my crazed, Doll." He kissed my hand. He got off of me, put on his tank top, and walked to the door, "I'll drive you home."

He left me there in the room. I got dressed. Gosh, he makes a big deal about me teasing him, look at what he just did to me.

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