Chapter 9

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School hasn't been held for a few days, due to the damage done. Since the repairs will take a while, they merged the days with winter vacation days. I got up from bed and looked out the window. The dark grey skies and the chill in the air brought me peace for once. I decided that sheets of white would complement the grey skies. With that thought I was able to bring snow to town. I put on a loose black sweater and black sweat pants. Warren has been so confusing lately. He wants me then he pushes me away. Zack has been continuously messaging me, I couldn't stand it anymore, so I just shut off my phone. My parents are gone once again, and I am alone once again. It's not that bad considering I hate being around people. Another Christmas Eve alone. I plopped onto the bed, then there was a sudden knock on my window. I turned around to see Lash waving at me from outside my window holding a red box with a white bow. Strangely my heart skipped a beat. I immediately opened the window.

"What in the hell do you think you're doing?" I looked down out of the window, he stretched up to reach my window. Great. What in the fuck is he doing here.

"Ouch" he placed his hand on his heart, "you do realize it's Christmas Eve right? Everyone is supposed to be jolly." He crossed his arms.

"I don't do Christmas, and I don't do jolly." I was going to close my window but he pushed it back. I could have smacked the window back and he would have gone flying, but for some reason I didn't.

He walked into my room, and he placed it on my bed. I began to freak out just thinking about what Warren would do to him. "Lash! What do you think you're doing? Do you not know what Warren would do to you?" Did he not get the memo when Warren burned off the skin of the follower?

He rolled his eyes, "boo hoo, Warren is going to hurt me." He laughed, "it's amazing how the roles reversed."

"What do you mean by the roles reversing, and what in the fuck is this?" I grabbed the box from my bed. It made me become angry whenever someone would talk down about Warren's position.

"I don't care about what Warren would do to me. All I care about is being here with you." He smiled, and I had a funny feeling in my heart. The anger I had overcame the feeling in my heart. "And that box is my Christmas gift to you." He sat down on my bed.

"Lash, you can't be doing this." I placed the box on my desk. "If Warren even finds out about you being near me without his orders, do you not know what he will do to not only you, but me?" My heart sank just thinking about what he would do to us.

He stretched his arms to me, and held my lower back. He slowly brought me to where he was sitting. I was now in between his legs while he was sitting on my bed, and for some reason I didn't mind it. "I will never let him hurt you." His hand caressed my face. My heart began to have that feeling again. What he said made me laugh on the inside, because he knows nothing about me and Warren. I can't be doing this. I shouldn't be doing this. Audrina, get away as fast as you can.

"Lash, I- we can't be doing this-" when I said that he held my arms and pulled me closer to him.

"Audrina, stop pushing me away." He scooted back to the backboard of my bed, while he was still holding me. My legs were now wrapped around him while we were still sitting on the bed. The thing is... I didn't want to push him away. "Besides, I have this." He smirked and held mistletoe over our heads. I looked up at it and froze it. I reached up and crushed it. He laughed, that adorable laugh, what in the world am I saying, "of course."

He looked at me and my heart was getting that feeling again. It was stronger. His hands caressed my face, and he looked at my lips then looked at me. I didn't want him to stop. He leaned in and he kissed me. I didn't want to slap him. I didn't want to push him away. He was so tender with me. He held me as if I was his most precious prize. Then there was a loud knock on my front door. I immediately pulled away. I sped downstairs. Warren is here. Why did he decide to show up. He has been distant and now he decides to show up. I sped back upstairs.

"Audrina, what's wrong?" Lash got up and quickly walked up to me. I felt as if my heart fell out of my chest. I've never been more scared in my life. The fact that Warren could do this to me, tore me to pieces.

"It's Warren, you need to leave." I quickly grabbed Lash's arms. My phone began to ring. Shit it must be Warren. "You need to leave now! I'll make you invisible so that he won't see you." I pulled him to the window.

"Audrina, I'm not going to leave you!" He tried to stop me.

I'm so close to compelling him. "LEAVE!" He stopped and looked at me. 'It's for your own good. Please, I'll talk to you later'

"Will you, Audrina? Or are you going to push me away like you do to everyone else?" He looked at me and he left. I turned him invisible as he stretched from house to house. I made him visible once he was far enough. My phone began to ring again and I rushed to it.

"Hello?" My heart was beating so loud, I thought my ears would bleed.

"Come to your door." His voice sounded kind for once.

"What do you mean?" I was trying to play it off that I totally did not just push one of his front men out of my room after kissing him, and that I totally do not know that he has been waiting outside of my house. A kiss that I actually wanted. Gosh, Audrina, what's wrong with you?

He sighed, "just come outside, Audrina." He hung up.

I speedily changed my shirt in fear that he could smell the fornication on me. I put on one of Warren's band shirts, and sped down the stairs. I opened the door and there he was. He looked so handsome. He was clean cut today, even though he was wearing jeans, combat boots, a shirt, and a black leather jacket. His face looked so kind. I don't know what's going on. He pulled me close to him, and held my lower back.

"Merry Christmas Eve." He pulled me into a passionate kiss. My heart drowned in guilt. He has no idea of what just happened, and he never will. How could I have done this to him? The man who has my heart in his hands, how could I betray him like this? My eyes stung with the threat of tears. After the kiss, I held him tightly. I can never let him know what just happened. Never.

A Not So Peaceful Love (Warren Peace Fan Fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang