Chapter 5

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Ik's been a while..I hope everyone is ok with vivid going around and the rioting. But racism has gotta stop fam.
The dang brute had the nerve to try and talked to me. Especially when he was the reason I probably had a concussion! Ok ok. I might be over exaggerating just a bit.


Yeah I pushed him, so what? I don't care. He barely knows me. You don't just do that to someone you don't know, it's freakin weird bro.

Or so I thought he didn't know me.

"Geez..I was just tryna help-"

"I DIDNT WANT YOUR HELP YOU STUPID FUDGE POP!!! I WAS FINE ALL BY MYSELF!!" Maybe I was a bit to harsh, but I have this thing about touching- It doesn't sit well with me..

"Ok calm down," he said softly "I'm sorry, ok? I should've been paying attention. Just calm down Ariel.."

I paused and looked at him I was pretty confused on how he knew my name since I didn't know him. I mean yeah I would see him in the hallways, in my classes, and at football games since he was the star quarterback but I didn't really know him, nor did I want to.

"How do you know my name?" I asked.

He gave me this 'are you fucking serious-' look. "How do you not remember me? We've literally have all of the same classes together for our whole lives."

"Wait! Don't tell me- is your name Brian?" I was like genuinely confused.

"NO! Where did you get Brian from!? My name is Leon!"

"Oh." Was all I said.

He started to get close, to the point he was in between my legs since I was still sitting on the nurses bed. "How can you not remember me?"

I just looked at him, into those hazel brown eyes that seemed so familiar. As I was looking at him I saw a lot of pain, 'Why is he in so much pain? Why is he looking at me with pain?' It was heartbreaking to see him like this for some reason.

"I-I don't know, I'm sorry.."

He just sighed and leaned his head on my shoulder and breathed, "My god your still beautiful." I couldn't hear him well since the bell rung at that moment.

He raised his head and kissed my forehead. "I should get to class, stay here till the nurse is here."

I mumbled a whatever and he left.

Why does he seem so
Again sorry for not posting, with everything going on I'm having a writers block. I'll post when I can.
Be safe everyone ily
Insta: caramelo_adri
Yt: Imay Kazekage & Imay Comics
Locopotatoqween out

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