Chapter 6

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Oops... totally forgot this existed...
Leon's Pov:

She doesn't remember me. I frowned as I walked out of the nurses station. I sighed looked around with a straight face looking at all of the annoying ass kids in the school building.

I glared at anyone who looked directly in my eyes. Of course there was always those few people who couldn't take the hint. I walked through the halls on my way to the field when i was stopped by the most annoying high pitched voice.

'Dear god this girl is annoying, we banged a few times and she still can't take the hint that i don't want a relationship with her' I thought to my self as i kept walking, trying my hardest to ignore her.. I don't even remember her name.

"Leon!" she screamed from behind me, I groaned not being able to get away in time. I slowly turned around to look at her.

"What" I growled out. I was way to occupied with worrying about Ariel to deal with this girls shit.

"Didn't you get my texts?" she asked doing that ugly thing with her face that she calls a pout.

"No" I stated ending the conversation and walking to class leaving her standing their like a fish.

Ariel's pov:

I groaned as I laid back on the nurses bed in pain from the throbbing sensation in my nose. The nurse came in after that guy left and told my that my nose was sprained and I would have to miss my first lesson.

That didn't faze me. But as always the nurse gave me an ice pack. I scrolled through my phone for a while until I got a text from J.

"dude why the hell are you not in first period???"

"I'm in the nurses office."

"For what, did you fall down stairs again?"

"That was one time, and no i ran into my quarter back"

"did he hit you?"

"no more like i ran into his chest and sprained my nose.."


"no he sprained is you dum fart. The dude is all muscle"

"Sucks for you, anyways i'll see you at lunch later loser"

I rolled my eyes and put my phone down thinking about what mr. quarter back said. Has he really been in all of mg class since we were kids?

You would think I would notice him. The dude like 6'9 with a muscular build, but not one of the gross muscular builds, he has deep brown eyes that go well with his tan olive skin and pink plum lips, not to mention his soft blackish hair although you could see small hints of brown.

Wait. Am I admiring this guy?? Actually I think I might have that concussion. Nothing a little sleep can't fix, so I closed my eyes and waited for those dark dark dreams to come.

I honestly forgot about this book. But i have found inspiration again so i will be updating whenever I am able.

Hopefully my writing is a little better.
I'm also going through and making small changes in the previous chapters.

I was very young at the time of writing this book and I have grown so i believe that my book should grow as well.

Anywayz i'm signing off for now
See you soon my darlings

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2021 ⏰

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