Chapter 1

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So have you ever wondered what it was like to be quiet your whole life? No? Well let me tell you, it sucks, like worse than Jacob Satorious' autotune suck.
I guess I should introduce myself huh. Well he goes nothing I guess. My name is Ariel Lily Romero and before you go assuming things saying like dang she got a white girl name (no offense to y'all I love you guys) but no I am African American with a caramel complexion, I have dark/ light curly wavy hair, my eyes are a mix of hazel and dark brown, i'm 6'2, I love strawberries and the smell of pumpkin spice, I do not really like anything sweet, I only have a few friends and only consider a small amount of them my best friends, my favorite color is baby blue, I love music like a lot, my talent consists of singing, my hobbies are drawing, making videos (youtube) ,  And playing video games.
Yeah yeah yeah I'm a girl who plays video games like a guy, I grew up around them so I'm used to how guys are, what they like, etc.
I'm 17 years old, I was a really early baby I was supposed to be born on January 21st but instead I was born on the 7th ironic huh?
I am not a really social person like at all, I guess you could say I have social anxiety, and trust me it is bad. When I am in very large groups with people I do not know or feel comfortable around I start to get hot and it seems like everything is getting smaller, my head starts throbbing, and my heart starts beating fast to the point of where I can not breath.
So I am assuming now you are asking, "Why is a black girl using grammar and not slang like most of them do?" , well I would not say I'm different from them because I'm not, no one is different whether you are White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, or German, you are all still the same. Anyway back to the topic at hand I use grammar because it is how I was raised to speak.
Well enough about me you will eventually learn more while reading, or scrolling, or whatever it is you are doing, I really don't care.
Go read.
Like now.
Why are you still here?!?!

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