Explanation (Q & A for last chap)

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Hello my lovely darlings~! This is basically an explanation to last chapters ending! I feel like I was unclear on some things, so I'm going to explain a few things here.

Q: When Cyko left Kaio, who was the person he made a phone call to?

A: Cyko has an assistant, (that I never really bothered to write about in the series) that takes care of Cykos mess. Whether it be a "cleaner", caregiver, or someone that takes notes on a target.

Q: When Cyko asked to take care of Kaio, what did he REALLY mean?

A: spend time with him, make him feel better, date him, and make sure he's happy. Cyko is a psycho and can be heartless sometimes, but he's not THAT heartless to just leave someone like that.

Q: What was the whole situation with Luni about?

A: Since these are characters are from a video game, supposedly created by Luni, its only fair that I make the ending seem that way. If your character dies in one of those choice games, you usually go back to a save point and everything to try and avoid certain situations, don't you? Therefore, that's exactly what happened with Cyko.

Q: what did you mean when you said "Shout out to my babies that know where that comes from?"

A: If you've been with me, since the beginning, you'd know that, thats how I started off the whole story~! Cyko was at home, and Phantom shows up, in the rain, trying to look all dominant like, when he was probably looking like a cute little baby~.

Q: What did you mean by "Jacob and Kaio were taken care of?"

A: Cyko "literally🔪🔪" took care of Jacob, as for Kaio, he hooked him up with his assistant.

Q: Was the ending the original ending you had in mind?

A: Nope! To be honest, I had something completely different in mind. I was either going to give him and Phantom a Romeo and Juliet ending (and we all know how that story ended) OR have the Cyko and Luni ending, but when he goes back in time, he goes to the day they first met, however, he avoids having his first encounter with Phantom, and avoids all the bad things to come. Having Phantom do a WHOLE world tour and settle down with a guy he meets at a coffee shop, while Cyko takes on an assassin career.

Q: Is this the last time you write a story??

A: Nope! I definitely plan on writing other stories on my other channel! kay_wal00! I just don't know what yet ;-;
If you guys have any questions, feel free to ask me in the comments!! Have a great day/night, and ALWAYS wear your masks!

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