I was dancing the lead part as usual. Everything was going smoothly on my end, I didn't stumble or hesitate. Unfortunately my time of triumph was short lived, when it came to Kakyoin's time to step forward he did but the step he took forward was on to my foot. It was probably a mistake, I most likely didn't move my foot back fast enough, or maybe because we're dancing together for the first time he needs to get used to my size. All of these thoughts were immediately wiped from my mind when it came time for Kakyoin to take steps forward. Not only did he step on my foot this time, but he pressed down on it.

     His facial expression didn't change but it didn't need to, his heel and foot pressing down onto my foot was all I needed. Every time he would step on my foot it would cause me to stumble back and lose my footing.

"What's wrong Jotaro? Why do you keep on losing your footing like that?" kakyoin's voice was dead serious but he knew all too well what he was doing. I decided to go along with it and say 'sorry' like it was my fault. We continued on like this for what felt like forever, my feet were in a lot of pain. When I stumbled this time after he had stepped on my foot again, something fell out of my pocket. I let go of Kakyoin and bent down to grab the object, it ended up being Kakyoin's handkerchief. I picked it up off the ground and stood up dusting it off. I could feel Kakyoin's eyes on the piece of cloth that was being held ever so delicately in my hands. "Why do you have that?" I couldn't see his face but I assumed he was asking me in an accusing manner.

"I'm sorry I should've given it back to you." I answered feeling guilty.

"That not what I meant, I mean you could've gotten rid of it a long time ago. So, why'd you keep it?" Kakyoin questioned me again.

"Well, I guess when I think about it I kept it because it reminds me of the first time I met you. I know we didn't have the best first meeting but if it hadn't happened we would've never become friends and gone on that journey. I also enjoy having a piece of you with me, after what happened to you during the battle with him I guess I've become even more thankful that I didn't lose a good friend like you." I awkwardly explained. How embarrassing, he must think I'm so weird now. I pulled my hat down to shade my face and decided to look at Kakyoin's face ready to be met by a disgusted expression. However, I was pleasantly surprised when I saw a small genuine smile on his face.

"Wow Jotaro, I didn't think you cared that much. If I'm being honest I have to say I'm relieved." I stayed silent hoping he'd take this as a sign to continue. He let out a loud sigh, "Well I guess earlier when you yelled at me it really shook me up, I thought that maybe I'd done something but I didn't know what. Plus, that was the second time that you had abruptly left a lesson so I thought that maybe you couldn't stand being taught by me. Saying it out loud now sounds stupid, but when you shut me out earlier I hurt."

"Good grief." I exhaled. "Listen, about earlier, I'm really sorry. I didn't leave because of you I just really had to...go to the bathroom." That sounded real believable, I'm such a fucking idiot.

"Oh. Well I accept your apology, but next time just tell me. But, if you ever yell at me like that again I will not hesitate to beat the shit out of you."

"I promise not to yell at you anymore." I complied. "By the way do you want your handkerchief back?"

"No you can keep it, it sounds like you need it more than me anyway." He answered nonchalantly. Even though I had asked in the first place, I'm happy that he's let me keep it. I've grown attached to it somehow, I don't think I could part with this piece of cloth even if I tried. I shoved it back into my pocket. "Ok, let's redo the steps since I wasn't exactly being fair earlier."

This time when we got into position there were no problems, when I looked into his eyes I was happy to be met with happiness. When we started dancing for the first time nothing happened, no heat, no sweating, the only thing I was feeling in my heart was euphoria. I'm too happy to let this moment be ruined by unexplainable feelings. We got through the steps without a problem. Both of our bodies were in sync as we switched between who was leading, and no feet were hurt in the process.

"Good job Jotaro, I'm proud of how fast you've learned these steps!" Kakyoin congratulated me as we separated. "Now that we've finished is it ok if I use your bathroom?" Kakyoin asked fidgeting a bit.

"Sure." I answered almost instinctively.

"Thanks!" Kakyoin made his way over to the bathroom. When he shut the door something went off in my mind like, almost like sirens were blaring. I left my lube on the sink, and to make things worse I think I left the lid open. Kakyoin is extremely smart so he'll probably figure out the situation in no time. I felt my breath hitch in the back of my throat as the tap was running for an excessive amount of time. He knows.

I watched as Kakyoin slowly made his way out of the bathroom. My eyes followed him as he went pick up his school bag that he had tossed down on the floor earlier. He bent down, grabbed it, stood back up and looked at me with a closed eye smile. "Well, I think it's time for me to go. We finished what I wanted to do for today's lesson." I watched as Kakyoin started making his way out of my room but he stopped in my doorway. "Sorry for interrupting your private time in the bathroom earlier, I'll make sure to knock next time." I felt my eyes widen and heat take over my body as I watched Kakyoin leave the room.

That's it, I'm not touching that lube for a long time. My dick can suffer.


1960 words


Once again, sorry if anyone was reading this over your shoulder! I'd like to give credit to SharkBunZ for giving me the idea of using Kakyoin's handkerchief! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


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