There's My China Doll

402 27 16


3 AM
China's chest rose and fell at a rapid rate while she slept next to her sister who was too having her own personal afflictions. The teens thick eyebrows knitted together as her dreams suddenly turned into a heart wrenching nightmare or in this case a distant memory.

"China dolllll." James' baritone voice sent shivers down the 7 year olds spine as she hid underneath her bed. She had been playing with her Barbie dolls when she heard the slur of words coming down the hallway and knew she had to hide.

She did her best to make herself invisible as she curled all the way into the darkest spot underneath her bed frame. Her shallow breaths betrayed her as she covered her mouth with both hands and squeezed her eyes shut tight.

"Come on out baby. Daddy won't hurt you." James' voice appeared to grow feet as the child could physically hear it inching closer and closer to her.

'Maybe he wouldn't hurt me.' The child thought as she moved a bit but a tiny voice in the back of her mind told her to stay hidden.

All of a sudden she felt her ankles being yanked out of her hiding spot. The child screamed bloody murder.

"You hiding from me?" James gripped his daughters arms as he stood her up to face him.

"No." China whimpered, staring into her fathers glossed over eyes.

"You lying to me?" He pulled the child closer to him so that their noses touched.

"No." China whispered, afraid to speak.

James pushed the little girl backwards and let out an obnoxious laugh that shook the room. China recoiled disgusted at the spit that flew from his mouth like a dog.

"Oh China baby, There's no need to lie to me." He kneeled and pulled her closer to him once more.

China began to breathe hard as if she wanted to punch something.

"Oh! You mad?" James squeezed her arms tightly at her sides. "You bad now?" His smile was full of joy that never met his eyes.

China stared icily into her father's evil eyes as her chest heaved in and out.

James pushed the girls' tiny shoulder taunting the child. "Get mad then." He chuckled as she stumbled backwards a bit but regained her footing.

"Come on get mad!" He pushed her once more, making her fall onto her bottom. China immediately got up and quickly walked up to her father's face huffing and puffing. She was fed up. All she wanted to do was play with her toys in her room and her father came to bother her.

"Get mad." His voice became gruff and impatient as he pushed her backwards again but she didn't lose her footing.

"Come on China. Come ON! Show daddy how mad you are!" He yelled into the 7 year olds face. "GET MAD!" He screamed, spitting in her face in the process.

China reached back and slapped him across the face with all her might letting out a warriors scream. Her chest still heaved in and out as she stood unwavering in the presence of her father. A single tear escaped her right eye as her intensity bore into his soul.

"There's my China Doll." His smile crept up his face like a creature as he wiped his mouth and laughed.

China woke up with a start as she heard sounds next to her. Lauryn gripped her sheets tightly as she whimpered in her sleep. This was normal behavior for her since China could remember. Lauryn's hands shot between her thighs as she clenched her knees together as if she had to pee.

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