Right Time To Say GOODBYE

454 19 23

TRIGGER WARNING!  IF  YOU  ARE TRIGGERED BY CHILD ABUSE SKIP. (Nothing major but some people are sensitive to the topic)

 (Nothing major but some people are sensitive to the topic)CAST LIST

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Angela (mother of Zion & Sabrinas best friend)

Angela (mother of Zion & Sabrinas best friend)

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NITRA (friend of family and hairstylist)

 NITRA (friend of family and hairstylist)

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JAY ( friend of family & makeup artist)




Sabrina sat back in bed next to her husband who soundlessly slept next to her like a baby. She always hated how he could just immediately fall asleep sort of like he flipped a switch and automatically went into hibernation mode. It always took her at least an hour until she finally gave up the battle with the sandman. As she stared at the ceiling in the dead of night she could feel how rapidly her heart beat in her chest. She was supposed to be out of bed 10 minutes ago. Her best friend Angela, mother of Zion, had come up with an elaborate plan to get Sabrina and her children out of the house and to safety. She was waiting outside the house ready to play getaway driver at any moment. Actually if it were up to Angela she would have simply killed James a long time back but Sabrina protested saying that they would ruin their lives and end up in prison.

Angela didn't care though she didn't know how many times she imagined killing that narcissistic pompous asshole. A few years in prison ain't never hurt nobody. Sabrina's hands sat perfectly folded across her midsection almost resembling a lifeless body in a casket. She slightly glanced over at her phone which sat on a dresser to her right flashing several missed calls from Angela. It was just after 3AM and they were behind schedule. Again her phone started to ring but luckily she had put it on silent just before she went to bed.

Daddy's little girls Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora