Signed. Sealed.

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She had to be kidding me

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She had to be kidding me. How could she keep dropping these bombshells on us. We needed time to prepare just as she did. I mean she wasn't the only one affected by James.

Lauryn silently got up and headed to the fridge. That's how she dealt with things. She would always get up and walk away and kept every emotion bottled up. She put two waffles in the toaster and scrolled her phone.

"How could you not tell us?" China stood up and crossed her arms.

"I just found out 15 minutes ago." My mom stared at her hands in her lap.

"When will the person get here?" I asked honestly exhausted. We didn't have the time or energy for this. Last night we didn't get off of set until 2AM. We had to film two episodes in one day now that we had to have today off. I was over everything.

"She's on her way now" my mama said standing and starting to pace. China rolled her eyes and joined LO in the kitchen.

"Mama, how are we supposed to do this without you?" I chewed on my thumbnail. I'd honestly forgotten what my father's face looked like up until two days ago he was just a faceless monster in my dreams. Now his face has been etched into my mind and I genuinely didn't know if I could see him in person without my mom by my side.

"We're gonna get through this, we're strong, okay?" She smiled weakly.

The doorbell rang causing us all to flinch and stare at each other. China and Lauryn came and stood by me while my mother answered the door.

"Hi!" We heard a cheerful voice come from the doorway. I could feel Lauryn's hand shaking as she took my hand in hers. "We got this" I assured her but I wasn't so sure myself.

"I'm Katherine Miller. I've been appointed to your case." The lady spoke to my mom in a cheerful tone as she stepped into our foyer.

"Nice to meet you." My mom smiled shyly.

"You have such a beautiful home." She took in the extravagant place slightly in awe.

"Thank you." My mom added before walking towards us.

"The Mcclains!" Katherine yelled as she pulled all of us in for a hug. We stole glances at each other. This is too weird for me.
"I swear if I hear the theme song to your show one more time in my home I'm gonna scream." She chuckled, taking out a pen and signing a sheet of paper.

"Here dear, sign here this is to show the courts I picked them up out of your care. Your husband will be signing the same paper once we leave his place."

"EX!" My mom yelled suddenly causing all of us to stare at her.

"Sorry Ex husband. I'm so sorry dear." Katherine looked between us apologetically.

"No it's okay." My mom took the paper and reluctantly signed. "Will you be with them the entire time?" She asked looking on the verge of a panic attack. I know this is especially hard for my mom knowing all she did to keep us safe all these years.

"The entire time honey" Katherine grabbed my moms hands. I guess she read the room because she seemed a bit nervous herself.

Katherine took a deep breath "Well ladies, I guess it's time to hit the road."

"Wait, how long do we have to stay?" China glanced at our mother.

"You girls have weekly 2 hour visitations." Katherine read from her documents.

"Weekly?" I asked
"2 hours?" Lauryn added

"We barely have time for filming and school let alone 2 hour visits with a ma-"

"China!" My mother cut her off. She had already discussed with us to keep everything discreet with outsiders so nothing leaked to the media just yet.

"Sorry mama" China whispered.

"I'm sorry to interrupt ladies but if we don't hit the road now it's my ass on the line."

"Of course." My mom hugged each of us tightly.
"Watch out for each other." She whispered

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