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3 hours later

We were on our way home in a company van with my mother's assistant. She sometimes chaperoned us when our mom couldn't make an event. She was a little ditzy but she was cool.

"LAPTOP! I need a laptop!" Lauryn leaned over the back seat trying to find any computer that she could. She always did everything last minute blaming it on her 'free spirit' which I liked to call 'laziness.'

"Girl! Ain't no way you gonna complete that paper in less than two hours." I told her not looking up from my phone.

"Don't be a hater your whole life...I've worked miracles before." Lauryn responded, settling down with her laptop in tow. China sat a row ahead of Lauryn and I with her jacket over her face. Woe is me as fuck.

I decided to send my best friend Zion a text because he was supposed to spend the night at our house tonight. We'd been best friends since forever and our moms had been best friends since high school. Zion was also a child star but he appeared in more films than TV and unlike our mother, his mother made sure he lived a normal life. Not that I'm blaming her for being over exposed that's to be expected when you're on someone's TV screen daily.

Me: 🤙🏾

Zi- what do you want

Me-🤣🤣 We're headed home


Me-I haven't seen you in 3 weeks

Zi-okay dang 🥴🥴

Me- can you bring over some snacks

Zi- I gotta bring over my own food? Ooh Chile 🤢 0/10 would not recommend.

Me- Lmao we have food no snacks.

Zi- 💀

Me- okay I'll grab some on the way

Zi- 🤗🤗🤗


I looked up from my phone "Samantha can we stop by a store really quick for some snacks? I'm having a reunion movie night with Zion."

China jumped up from her light slumber "y'all say something 'bout snacks?" I laughed. She was always down for some food.

"Snacks? During this chaotic event?" Lauryn pointed towards her paper which I'm pretty sure made no sense she was just trying to reach the word limit.

Samantha told our driver to find the nearest store and pretty soon we pulled up to a mostly empty 7/11 good no more fans. Don't get me wrong I loveee my fans but on days like this it all seemed tedious and draining.

Samantha was about to get out of the van when I stopped her. " we're fine there's no one here."

China and I weren't three feet from the car when Lauryn rolled down the back window. " and get me some chips and something sweet."
"That's very specific." China turned and headed to the store. "Surprise me" Lauryn rolled the window up. She's always so dramatic.

We walked into the store and there were only two people in line at the cash register who were older so they wouldn't know who we were. China skipped towards the back of the store with her newfound freedom. I went to the chip aisle to scope out their selection and sent a quick text to Zion.

Me- what snacks do you want

Zi-🤔🤔 some hot Cheetos and...

Me-and what??

Zi-hold on I'm thinking 🤔

Me-this is not a life or death deci-

"Ohhh! Guys, it's China Mcclain!" I heard in the back of the store. I hadn't even heard the door chime signaling a new customer. Shit.

"Stop" I heard China say, making me quicken my steps.
I got to the back of the store immediately taking in the situation.

There were three teen guys clearly older than me and they were quite obviously drunk. One had his hand around China's waist pulling her into him as he recorded a video. The other leaned against the freezer blocking her path trying to get his face in the camera. Meanwhile another guy kneeled in front of them smiling goofy for a selfie.

"Okay guys that's enough" China said, trying to maintain a smile although she was uncomfortable as they pulled her every which way for their cameras. I ran up to China and grabbed her hand which held a blue mystic.

"Ohhhhh! Sierra Mcclain just came on the scene!" The guy took his hand from China's waist as he approached me shoving his camera in my face. The other two guys joined him in jumping up and down obviously over hyping for a YouTube vlog.

I tried to drag China towards the door but the tall white guy grabbed China's arm.
" where you ladies headed tonight?" There was drunk sweat running down his face. China tried to yank her arm away to no avail. She stole a glance at me.

"Guys we're trying to have a lowkey night okay?" I said through a plastered smile knowing they were still recording.

"Oh I can keep it lowkey" the goofy selfie guy said as he stood behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. The tall guy still held China's arm and she looked terrified. At Least paparazzi had enough class to approach us with respect. This is why mama wanted us to get a bodyguard.

The guy took a long stray hair from China's face and put it behind her ear as he leaned close to her face. This was getting out of hand.
"Let me go." I tried to remain calm as I told the guy who had an ironclad grip around my waist. He just laughed towards the camera bouncing me and China along with him. I was not letting go of her arm. When I saw the guy getting too close to China's face I yanked her back causing her to drop the blue mystic she had an iron grip on.

"Hey!" The Employee said from the register. " stop messing around back there."

I could feel China's hands shaking in mine. This is why we never go ANYWHERE. China quickly glanced behind me at the guy then back to the floor. I couldn't tell what she was thinking. Just then I heard the store bell chime and our driver and Samantha entered.

"Get your hands off of them now!" Samantha yelled quickly making her way over to us. The guys immediately let go and seemed to sober up within ten seconds. China instantly ran out of the store. She really hadn't adjusted to fame even though she'd been in the business since she was 6. I turned on my heels and followed her.

"Woah that was insane! Comment down below how crazy that shit was!" The guy with the camera smiled giving his friends high fives. I rolled my eyes and made my exit with Samantha and the driver not too far behind.

"Umm where's the snacks?" Lauryn asked, glancing up from her laptop as I reclaimed my seat next to her.
China put her hood on and tied the string super tight as she leaned against the window and closed her eyes.

"Long story" I sniped hoping she would leave it alone for right now. She went back to feverishly typing her paper and I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding.

15 minutes later we arrived home and China took the stairs two at a time. When she got to the top she let out an ear piercing scream. I ran up the stairs confused as to what happened. I rounded the corner and was greeted by Zion getting beat up by an already upset China.

"Chill!" Zion laughed through the hits. Her weak hits were nothing to his perfectly muscular body.
"He scared the hell out of me!" China was genuinely upset as she stormed to her room and slammed the door.

"What's going on!" Lauryn yelled from the bottom of the stairs holding her laptop.

"Zions here and he scared China." I waved her off. I turned back to Zion holding my chest.

"You know that key is for emergencies only right? "
"Three weeks without seeing your ugly ass face wasn't emergency enough?" Zion pulled me into a hug. He was a year older than me and we had a brother sister relationship.
"Best vacation of my life." I retorted.
"Where the damn snacks at?" He walked towards our home theatre. "Still at the store... long story" I ran my fingers through my hair recounting the events. "Well unfortunately for me we got all night." Zion rolled his eyes as he entered the theater

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