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“Are you kidding me?” April's shriek could be heard through her closed door.

Several people jerked their heads up, curious to find out what was going on. It was a few seconds before she ripped the door open, wasting no time to streak down the open hall to Willow's office. The staring continued as puzzled gossip began.

“You’ll never believe what just happened.” April panted, planting her hands on the desk and gaining Willow's attention.

Willow flinched in shock, her expression resembling a deer in the headlights. “Whoa. Something good, hopefully.”

“Fantastic.” April gushed, her face flushed from the excitement.

“Gonna spit it out?” 

“Dylan was in an accident.” April stood up and began pacing the room, missing the look of horror Willow shot her.

“Is he okay?”

The worry in Willow's voice must have brought April back down to earth for a second. “Yes. I mean, that wasn't the fantastic news. Obviously. But it means he can't go to Beijing. And since I'm the alternate…”

“Oh. Wow.” Willow breathed her expression a mix of worry for Dylan and excitement for April. 

“I know. I have so much I have to do.” April was back in her own head. “So I’m gone. I never thought I'd get to handle the Beijing account.”

Willow watched her friend leave in a hurry. She shook her head and went back to her work, not able to focus.

As Willow walked towards the elevators during lunch, the buzz of conversations around her centerned on April's news. Many people questioned how Dylan was, how bad had his accident been, and how long would he stay in the hospital?

Willow pushed the down button and considered giving Dylan a visit. While his relationship was stronger with April, she doubted he’d get a visit from her. It might be nice to just pop in and let him know at least one of them was thinking about him. She grabbed a sandwich from the cafeteria and made her way to the curbside, hailing a cab.

She had her sandwich finished by the time she got to the hospital. After a few inquiries, she found out where Dylan was and made her way to his room.

He was propped up in his bed, bandages wrapped around his head and his right arm in a sling. A bright blue cast could be glimpsed around the opening of the sling. Willow wondered if that was the extent of his injuries or if he hid more beneath his clothes and blankets.

“Hey.” He croaked as she edged into the room.

A teenage girl looked up in curiosity. She looked like a mini version of Dylan.

“I can come back later.” 

“No. You're good.” Dylan winced when he started to motion with his right arm. He turned his attention to the teen and spoke with pride. “This is my sister, May. She just graduated and is leaving us to go to the University of Birmingham. Gonna be a famous paleontologist.”

May blushed as she stood up. “I'm gonna go get me some lunch. You okay?” Willow wasn't sure if the girl was asking her or Dylan but she nodded anyway.

Once May left, she took the vacated chair and gave a shy smile.

“So how fast did everyone find out?” He gave her a sheepish smile, sure his accident was the hot topic at work right now.

“Lightning speed fast.” Willow thought it would be best not to mention that April had leaped with joy before the word had gotten out. “So, what happened?”

“Well, I’m not even sure.” Dylan screwed up his face in concentration. He gave up after a few seconds, rubbing his temples with his good hand. “I remember walking from the store to Thomas's apartment building. And then someone came up behind me. I got hit in the head first. I don't remember anything after that. The jerk hit me hard enough to bust open my head and knock me out.” He motioned to the bandage with his good hand.

“Whoa. That's crazy.”

“What's crazy is that whoever did this didn't even take anything. My wallet was still in my pocket and my watch was on my wrist.” He looked amazed as he told her this. “Thank goodness because that watch was my college graduation gift from my parents.”

Willow was speechless.

"What kind of crazy person just jumps someone?"

Willow didn't know what to say. She just shook her head in amazement.

After a few seconds of silence, she asked him what the doctors had said.

“I have a concussion, bruised ribs, a mild fracture in my arm, and I just feel like crap.” Dylan sighed, misery clear on his face. “But I'm alive.”

“Yes. He could have killed you.” Willow sighed as she stated the obvious.

Another silence took over.

Willow checked the time and realized she was going to be late. “I have to go. Get better. Maybe you’ll take April's place and lead the homeless shelter.”

Dylan tried a smile but it fell flat. Willow gave herself a mental smack. He was trying to stay upbeat and here she was throwing it in his face that he wasn't going to Beijing anymore.

Willow waved goodbye and rushed back to work. There was a staff meeting and she made it just as her supervisor was closing the doors. She took a seat and glanced around to see that April wasn't there.

And the meeting ended up being about her. Even though everyone already knew about Dylan's accident and her taking his place. She found herself wondering if this was the only reason they had called for this meeting in the first place.

Once they were released, Willow had the rest of her day free, so she made her way to visit Lucas. He was busy, however. He gave her a quick peck on the cheek, promising to call her that night and suggested that maybe they could grab dinner.

She nodded and went back to her office, feeling a little deflated.

What They Deserve Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora