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“He was married?” April frowned at her cuticles before looking up to see Willow frowning too.

“Yes. And I’m sure.” Willow was starting to get frustrated with April. Why was it so difficult to believe? “I saw the pale area around his finger where his ring would have been.”

“So now you don't have any plans for tonight?” April sounded annoyed yet pleased. It made Willow feel a little uneasy. Why should she be annoyed? Or happy about this?

“I dunno. Maybe I’ll go out on my own.” It wasn't a big deal to her. After Lincoln, she wasn't in the mood to go man-hunting, but she didn't want to stay at home again. She figured if the man for her happened to come along, then so be it. And it would be amazing if that man turned out to be a certain dreamy one she kept seeing. But it was safe to say that Lincoln had ruined her desire to be active in her hunt for her future husband. And if she were being honest with herself, she wasn’t so sure she wouldn’t just flirt and lead the guy on.

“Where will you go?” April had a challenge to her tone which rubbed Willow the wrong way.

“Maybe speed dating.” Willow snapped.

One of April's freshly shaped brows rose in questioning. “Hmm.” 

“You just worry about enjoying your time with Jeff.” Willow waved her hands as if she were brushing April away. “Let me worry about myself.”

April turned back to her closet and started pushing clothes back and forth. “He said to wear something dressy. What should I wear?”

Willow let out a low groan as she pushed herself off the bed and joined April. “What about that one?” She pointed to a dress and nodded when April pulled it out.

“I haven't worn it in forever. I used to love this dress.” April gushed. She had a look of uncertainty but was already pulling her shirt off. “You don't think it's too wild?”

“No. It's flashy, but that's you. Everyone will be jealous.” Willow tried her best to hide her annoyance as she flopped onto the bed.

“Perfect.” April trilled as she pulled the dress over her head. “Definitely no bra.” 

Willow nodded in agreement as April twisted to show off the lack of a back on the dress. She had to admit that she was a little jealous of April because she looked amazing in the dress and she was only trying it on. Willow could only imagine how breathtaking April would be once she had her hair and makeup done.

“What about Lucas?” Willow blurted, giving in to the nagging feeling she had about giving in and calling him first.

“What about him? For you?” April pulled the dress off and reached for her bra clasp. Willow was starting to think that her best friend had forgotten she had set them up.

“Yeah. Do you think he's available tonight? Or does that make me sound desperate?” 

“Go for it.” April picked the dress up to put on again. “He’ll ignore your desperation when he meets you.”

Willow controlled her exhale. “Thanks.”

“You asked.” April pointed out and went into the closet to find shoes.

“Yeah. Sarcastically.”

April ignored the comment as she modeled the shoes she picked out. “Good?”

“Sure.” Willow’s response was automatic. She got up and went into the living room to grab her phone out of her purse. Lucas’ number was already saved into her contacts, thanks to April. He answered on the third ring.

“This is Willow. I don't know if you remember April telling you about me, but…” Willow was cut off by him saying he remembered and was sorry he hadn't reached out to her. 

“No. It's cool. You have a life.” She responded after listening to him give a quick excuse for why he hadn't called. Before she could say another word he asked her what she had planned for the night.

“Well, that's kinda why I was calling you.” He suggested they meet at a Chinese restaurant she knew well. “That sounds good. Give me twenty minutes.”

She ended the call and went to tell April she was gone.


“Yeah. I called Lucas.” She briefed her on the short conversation and ran back to retrieve her purse.

“Have fun!” April yelled out, sounding for once like she meant it.


At her own place, Willow changed into a pair of old jeans and a plain t-shirt. She wore slip-on shoes and pulled her hair into a messy bun. Lucas had said they could meet up at the Chinese restaurant a few minutes from her apartment. He happened to live close by, so he thought it would be a good compromise on traveling.

She stood in front of the restaurant, twisting her fingers as she waited. She hadn't asked him how he’d know it was her or vice versa. She was starting to worry he was already inside and was about to go in when someone called out her name.


“Yes.” She jerked to attention and saw a handsome face. He was just as pale as April had said, but she found that it made his vivid blue eyes pop.

“Nice to meet you.” His smile was a little crooked and he seemed a bit shy.

“Same.” She beamed at him and led the way in.

They were taken to a table near the back, their drink orders scribbled down after they sat. They made small talk until their food was ordered.

The talk flowed and Lucas relaxed. Willow wasn't sure that he could be the one. It was way too soon to tell, but she enjoyed her time with him. She figured she could at least give him a chance. There's no such thing as love at first sight, after all.

“Are we still on for tomorrow?” Lucas questioned as he walked her to her apartment.

“Yes.” She nodded and was ready to suggest a time.

“Great. How about I pick you up at eight?” He seemed just as eager about their second date.

“Okay.” She gave him a peck on the cheek before she turned to go inside.

She had just closed her door when April called. “Perfect timing, as usual. I just got back.”

“So, how’d it go?”

“You mean you don't want to tell me about your date first?” Willow was surprised.

“Saving the best for last.”

Willow rolled her eyes before telling April how things had gone with Lucas. Then she sat and listened to how amazing and romantic Jeff was.

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