That Stupid Christmas Party.

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Sam Winchester was always the one in his family to let what he feels show. His brother always teased him about it, but Sam knew he was secretly jealous. Dean never talks about anything involving feels. "No chic flic moments," is his life saying. So how in the world did the situation manage to totally flip? Sam thought back to when he noticed everything has changed.
Dean had brought his new boyfriend and his stupid step-brother to that stupid party. Dean said they both had no where to go that CHRISTMAS, so Sam figured, eh what the hell could go wrong? Everything. Dean Winchester treated his boyfriend, Castiel Novak, like the prince of the world. The two were actually really cute, and this wasn't the problem. Gabriel Novak, Castiel's step-brother was the problem. Gabriel must have been either gay or bi because he would not stop flirting with Sam. This is what ruined Samuel Winchester. It made him doubtful, afraid, and nervous. And it all started with that damn Christmas party....

Actual Story
"Sammy could you hang up these last decorations? I'd do it, but I'm not freakish tall, plus I have to set up the party snacks," Dean rushed out shoving a bunch of snowflakes into his hands rushes back into the kitchen. Sam chuckled and shook his head. "Why you trying to get this place looking so festive? It's just our friends coming over. Wait I know. It's for your new boyfriend. By the way, you are so whipped," Sam smirked as he taped two snowflakes to the ceiling a few inches apart ( for those in the metric system, a few centimeters apart). "I am so not whipped! I just want to make the our two bedroom apartment look as nice as possible," Dean says as he glares at Sam from the kitchen which was just a small section in the apartment. There a small wall of appliances, like the fridge, oven, counter, microwave, etc., and across from that was a small island counter with stools on the side facing the living room.

Sam smirked and said, "You know studies have shown that people who lie are more descriptive." He pushed the coffee table back so it touched the couch as he leaned up and taped another snowflake to the ceiling.

"I am not lying, Sam. I just want the place to look festive. I have the Christmas spirit this year, unlike you scrooge," Dean retorted as he stirred some cake batter while glaring again. It was hard to take him seriously since he was wearing a green apron that said "Kiss the Chief," with red lettering on it. Under the silly apron was a tacky green Christmas sweater that his new boyfriend had probably got him. He was wearing his normal jeans and hunting boots. Also on his head was an elf hat.
"Since when do you care about what our friends think about this apartment? Charlie is laid-back. Kevin is too busy worrying about his grades to notice anything. Garth is just Garth. Jo and Ash live on top of a bar, Ellen and Bobby live next to his old beaten up auto shop, and Mrs. Tran is just concerned with how much licker is in the eggnog. The only thing that's changed is that your boyfriend and his brother are coming over," The tall brunette smirked as he said all this, his hazel eyes showing clear amusement.

"Shut up bitch," Dean snapped clearly defeated. "Jerk, wait no, more like whipped jerk," The 22 year old realized that it wasn't clever but it was still enough to get under his older brother's skin.
The apartment was now completely Christmasy.There was snowflakes hanging from their ceiling, green and red streamers hanging on the wall. From the tiny Christmas tree with tiny monster ordainments (it's an inside joke), to the little Santas in the corners of the room, it actually looked great.

Guests started to arrive and the party was in full swing. Just as Dean was putting the chips, Christmas cookies, and other 'party snacks', two people walked in. One looked around his brother's age, and the other looked maybe a little bit older. The younger man had electric blue eyes, and had a head of messy raven colored hair. He had a strong jawline, with slight stubble over it. He kind of had a nerdy look to him. He was wearing dark green button up, with black slacks, and black shoes to match. The only strange thing was he was wearing trench coat. The guy next to him almost made the moose drop his jaw.

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