Chapter 19

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1300 votes!! Tysm <3 Not in the best mood right now, just got my feedback for my Russian Bastard pitch from Nick and it's not really good lmao but I'm gonna keep trying and continue writing this story, I refuse to give up on it.

Lots of love <3

Chapter 19


"Twelve hand guns, five grenades, and two machine guns," Tatiana said as one of Nate's associates brought out the crater from inside the truck van.

It was two weeks since Zeke had visited her apartment. Since then, she had thrown herself into work, going through any paperwork that would help keep the impending engagement party out of her mind. It was futile, hypocritical even, when she couldn't throw away the bouquet of peonies he had given her. Thankfully, her cast had been removed three days ago and with a few rehabilitation exercises, she could walk again with no crutches, albeit rather slowly. At least, she could throw herself into different activities, like this weapons exchange.

Roy Garfield, the leader of the low-profile gang she was exchanging with, inspected the crate. "Looks good," he declared, giving one of his subordinates a look before the man retreated back into one of the cars they had driven here. The man came back, holding a small black suitcase.

"The agreed amount is in there." Roy nodded towards his associate as he gave the suitcase to a brooding Nathaniel next to her.

Ever since she was shot at the Vasiliev estate, things have been even more rocky between the two of them. It was bad enough that they were exes, but the fact that her father had put him in her latest security detail worsened the situation. She couldn't believe that her father wasn't aware of her previous relationship with him—he couldn't be that ignorant but she couldn't stop to think about it.

"It's all in here," Nate declared once he inspected the case.

"As always, it is a pleasure doing business with you Ms. Tatiana," Roy said, smiling.

Tatiana only nodded at him. "Pleasure is all mine," she said cordially though albeit halfheartedly before gesturing to Nate to start packing up to head back to the estate.

As she turned away from Roy and his gang members, her phone rang. She took it out of her coat pocket and saw the caller ID. It was her father.

"Hello?" She spoke into the phone.

"Get away from there, now." Her father spoke urgently. "Take a detour and come back to the estate."

"Why? What's going on?" she asked, suddenly alert. She snapped her fingers urgently at Nate to call his attention.

She covered the microphone of her phone with her hand. "We have to leave, now," she said to him before turning her attention back to what her father was saying.

"I'll explain later, just leave there now," he ordered. "Make sure you are not followed." And with that, he hung up.

Tatiana shoved her phone back into her pocket before running towards the open passenger door of one of their black Benz cars, shutting the door behind her before she and her crew of security guards raced away.


"What the hell is going on?" Tatiana asked as she walked into their family's home, Nate beside her while the rest of their entourage scattered across their compound. She walked in to find her family, along with her mother, sitting around their living room.

Upon her arrival, her father stood up to greet her. "We have reason to believe that you may have been followed," he said.

"How..?" Tatiana trailed off, confused before her father presented her with a small, burner phone.

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