Chapter 17

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I'm literally sobbing; imagine my shock when (overnight) Russian Bastard went from 905 votes to more than 1K, I couldn't believe it! No words can express how thankful I am.

As promised, here is the new chapter! I also added a "Foreword" into the story after the "Aesthetics" chapter to clear the definition of what "bastard" means and placed a small excerpt from a song that fits the story so be sure to check that out!

Lots of love<3

Chapter 17


"You got everything you need over there, honey?" her housekeeper, June, asked her from the kitchen.

Since she couldn't walk too much—what with the cast on her ankle—her housekeeper had to stay with her full time for the past few days. June was a nice older lady in her late 30's, who had a family of her own; two kids, a boy and a girl who were just the two cutest little kids ever—so she only came to the apartment every other day to do some cleaning. She got by most of the time all by herself but she couldn't even walk to the kitchen and back to her living room couch without taking almost ten minutes just to get there on her crutches. So, June has been staying in one of her guest bedrooms in her penthouse apartment for the duration of her recuperation.

"Yeah, I'm fine, thanks June!" she called back to her, continuing to watch the news on her wide flat screen TV mounted on her wall above her lit fireplace. There have been a series of attacks on a lot of the mob families, although the majority of the country didn't know that these attacks specifically targeted mafia affiliated families. Most of the reports just said that they were prominent business families who have been receiving various attacks on their properties and no one has had any idea who was responsible, not even the mobs themselves.

"In other news, a truck speeding down the highway lost control over the vehicle, leading to a crash that involved Spanish Ambassador Henri Garcia, injured and rushed to Saint Martin's hospital Thursday afternoon..." the reporter on the news was saying while her thoughts drifted to darker times, back to what happened a few years ago, when she had come home with more than just a fractured ankle.

She paused for a moment, as if physically trying to stop herself from taking a trip down that memory lane. It was different back then though, she thought to herself, shaking her head slightly and ridding herself of her darker thoughts. She was never going to go back to a past that should be long forgotten, locked up in her memories and never to see light again.

She flitted her attention back to the screen while the reporter continued with her news story when a knock sounded at the door.

"June, could you get that please?" she called out to her from somewhere in the apartment. June materialized out of nowhere and opened the door to reveal her best friend, Carmen, walk in. She was dressed in a small, flowy sundress that ended mid-thigh, no doubt so that she can show off her new tan from her impromptu vacation to Hawaii.

"I came as soon as I touched down," Carmen said after greeting June with a smile and walking towards her. "How are you?" she asked worriedly as she sat down on the couch next to her.

"I'm doing okay." She managed a smile at her, sitting up slightly and combing a hand through her unruly hair.

Carmen rolled her eyes. "Okay, seriously how are you really feeling?"

"Honestly?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "It hurts like a bitch."

Carmen threw her head back, laughing and she laughed along with her, glad that her best friend was back.

"So," Carmen began after a few minutes of catching up. "Heard from my father that there's going to be an engagement party for Zeke," She said cautiously, looking at her face for any reaction. Tatiana almost rolled her eyes. She wasn't made of glass.

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