Chapter 2

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"There will be several thesis's. I will appoint every pair a thesis and whether they agree or not," Mr. Glass explained and typed something on his computer.

Emma felt Regina looking at her, but she kept her eyes fixated on Mr. Glass.

"Where are you from?" Regina asked curiously and Emma sighed before she looked at the brunette.

"What do you want, Regina?" Emma inquired softly. She really wasn't in the mood of starting a conversation, especially not with the brunette.

Regina cocked her head and raised her eyebrows. "How do you know my name?"

"Probably because we were in the same History class last year," Emma muttered and shrugged.

"You're not new?" Regina asked confused and chuckled softly. "I have never noticed you before."

Emma bit her lip to prevent herself from saying something stupid and kept her eyes focused on the teacher.

"Are you mad at me for snapping at you this morning?" Regina asked and Emma turned her head to Regina.


"Then why won't you talk to me?"

"I am talking to you. More than I'd like to. Regina, you may think everyone needs you and looks up to you but that's not always the case. I don't need friends or people to talk to," Emma said and averted her eyes back to the teacher.

Regina looked confused at the blonde next to her and raised her eyebrows. "As you wish, Quiet Girl," she said.

At least Quiet Girl was better than pervert.

"Swan and Mills, you'll be discussing the topic "gay marriage". You two have to argue with Miss Boyd and Mister Hatter. Boyd and Hatter, you have to present arguments as to why it should be illegal, Swan and Mills, you need to defend yourselves by giving arguments as to why it's good that it's legal," Mr. Glass said.

"That was the last pair. I expect you all to use the rest of class useful. The debate is next week, so I suggest you use these sixty minutes we have left useful to do research," Mr. Glass said and scanned the room with his eyes.

"Oh, no," Regina muttered.

Emma nodded slowly. "Yeah, we're up against Ashley. She is very good, she's captain of the debate team, but you know.. we got the much easier side," Emma said.

As no one in school knew anything about her, and the brunette next to her didn't even know her first name, it was unknown to everyone that Emma was, in fact, a lesbian.

"Easier side? You're not against gay marriage?" Regina asked confused.

Emma furrowed her eyebrows and gritted her teeth. "Of course not. Are you?"

Regina didn't reply and just stared blankly at Emma, before she tapped the person in front of them on their shoulder.

"Hi, Killian. Do you know what her name is?" Regina asked and flashed the brunette boy a smile.

"She won't tell you?" He questioned. "Her name's Emma, but she barely talks. She's quite strange," Killian said and glanced not so subtly at Emma.

What some people didn't realize, is that even though Emma didn't like to talk, she was a great listener. She heard everything people said and judged about her, but she didn't care.

"Oh, thank you, sweetie," Regina said and winked as she squeezed his shoulders, causing Killian to blush.

The entire school knew that Regina had a boyfriend, but the girl was a flirt and took every opportunity to use her flirting skills to wrap someone around her finger and let them do anything she wanted.

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