Chapter 1: Bullied

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Y/n POV:

I turned over in my bed as I heard my ear-piecing alarm.I reached over to my bedside table where my phone was and turned my alarm off. I jumped out of my bed and walked to my closet to pick an outfit out for today. In the end I picked out a cream coloured jumper as it was quite cold out and black leggings with a black belt.

I ran downstairs to see my mum cooking bacon. "Morning darling, want some bacon"my mum asked gesturing to the pan that the bacon was in. I wasn't really hungry so I just said " Thanks mum but I'm not that hungry, I'm late! Bye Mum" I said after kissing her on the cheek.

At School:

When I got to school I looked around to see if I could find my best friend Ruby. When I finally spotted her I snuck up behind and I put my hands on her shoulders "BOO!" I shouted. "AHH, Y/n that' wasn't funny" She said while I cracking up with laughter . Then the 1st bell went. "I'll see you at lunch" I said while waving at Ruby.

At Lunch:

I couldn't see Ruby anywhere so I assumed she had gotten a detention. As she always got detention. I sat at a table and went on my phone until I heard the bitches voice in front of me. Riley. I turned my phone off and looked up "Ugh what do you want now" I said in disgust. "Aww look guys the loner is sitting all alone, obviously her friends don't want to be friends with you anymore, oh wait I'm sorry i forgot you don't have any friends." She said in her annoying bitchy voice. I got up to leave until I felt my hands be pulled back, "Where do you think you are going," Then I felt my cheek burning, she had slapped me! I dropped to my knees in pain. When I heard them walk away I got up and ran to the library.

At the library:

When I got to the library I sat at the very back of it (where no one usually would come) and bursted out in tears. Until I heard a voice. I looked up wiping my tears away. That's when I saw him.

A/n I just wanted to say thank you for choosing to read this. And since it's my first book it probably won't be the best but Yh I hope you enjoy it.

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