the one who doesn't want to let go (NC-17)

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Warning: cursing, description of violence, almost death experience

Namjoon gritted his teeth. "What do you want Ji Seok?" He was suppressing himself from jumping to him. Come faster, guys.

"Just like before. Money." He smirked.

Myunsoo yelled, "I will give you anything. Just please let us go."

Ji Seok smirked. "And Y/n."

Deg. Namjoon stepped exactly in front of you, covering you completely from Ji Seok's sight. He glared at Ji Seok. "You are not getting Y/n." never.

Your heart was racing quickly. You didn't know what to do. You know Ji Seok is capable to kill anyone in this boat. He could kill Myunsoo and Dahee. He could kill Namjoon. Your Namjoon. You couldn't let that happen. You patted Namjoon's shoulder. "That's okay, Joon. I will go. I can stall him."

He grabbed your wrist tightly. "No fucking way, Y/N! I will not let you go." You could see tears forming in his eyes for a bit and then your eyes got cloudy too. "You promised me you will never leave me again." He begged.

You let your tears fell. "It's the only way we can survive, Joon. You should know it. It gives the highest chance for the victims to survive." You laughed dryly. "Where is my Namjoon who thinks logically?"

His throat was dry. He indeed knew what were you talking about. It's the most logical thing for agents to do. But now, he is no agent. He is just Kim Namjoon. He is just a man who witnesses a woman leave him. A woman who holds a special place in his heart. And he will not let that woman go. "I- I don't care. I will not let you go."

"Joon.." you whined as you tried to release his grip. "I have to."

"No." Namjoon tightened his grip. You could see his tears finally fell. "You told me not to negotiate with terrorists."

"It's in the past Joon. I have to." You jerked his hand. "I am sorry." You ran from him, not looking back. You were afraid if you saw his face once more, your determination would be broken. There are also uproars inside your in-ear. All trying to stop you. "I am sorry guys."

Namjoon cried, "He is going to kill you. Come back here."

Suddenly Ji Seok laughed again. "Oh Y/n. Always tried the best to help people. Even though you know what's gonna happen." He moved his gun and aimed it to you. You could hear Dahee's screaming behind you. Maybe it just bound to happen. You're getting tired of chasing Ji Seok and being chased by him. Maybe it is just for the best.


"Y/N!" Namjoon shouted.

Namjoon's voice woke you. Just before the bullet come through you, you nudged and charge Ji Seok. No, I won't give up. The bullet grazed your left cheek, but you didn't care. You ran to him and hit his wrist until his gun fell. You kicked the gun to Namjoon who swiftly grabbed it. It feels like a dream. You fought Ji Seok, with Namjoon by your side. Well, behind you with the gun, but it still counts.

Ji Seok has fallen down from your kick. Before you kick another one, There's a big wave. It caused you to stumble and lose your balance. Then Ji Seok grabbed your legs and pushed you from the boat. To the cold sea.

"Bastard!" Namjoon then shot Ji Seok before he moved. He shot him everywhere until he ran out of bullets. Namjoon turned blind eyes as he walked to already weak Ji Seok and locked Ji Seok to the ground. He punched him as hard and as many as he could. Namjoon couldn't even see clearly. His eyes were clouded with tears and anger.

Until someone pulled him away to stop him from hitting Ji Seok. "Stop Joon, you don't want to kill him."

Namjoon stopped by the voice. Your voice. He turned his body to you. And he found you. You in his jacket. You with wounded cheek. You with wet hair and body. He pulled you into his chest, hugging you tightly. "I thought I gonna lose you." He sighed in relief then released you. He cupped your face gently, studying your face. "Are you okay?"

You reached out to his face. "I am okay." You assured. Namjoon then joined his lips with yours, a short one. He needed this kis. He needed to make sure that you're alive in front of him. "We should tie him up before he awake."

"Oh right." He then released you and walked to Ji Seok. You turned to find Myunsoo and Dahee sat on the floor in each other embrace.

"Are you both okay? We're sorry to make you see something so traumatizing. And personally, I want to apologize for lying to you. It's just our job-" Dahee ran to you and hugged you. You were perplexed by her action, but then you just hugged her back.

Dahee cried as she hugged you. "Oh my God, I am just glad you're okay." You released her and patted her. You then nodded to Myunsoo beside her.

"Y/N! Namjoon!" You heard Hoseok yelled. "Are you guys okay?" Finally, the other boat came.

You turned to the other guys and gave them a thumb up. "Just take him away please."

They stopped the boat just beside your boat. Jungkook and Jin then took Ji Seok away from Namjoon. Luckily, Namjoon didn't kill Ji Seok. Lucky, because there will be no paper to fill in. Hoseok and Yoongi then asked Myunsoo and Dahee to go to another boat. Taehyung and Jimin ran to you. Taehyung hugged you tightly and Jimin draped a dry towel on your shoulder. They also asked you and Namjoon to go with the other boat while they stay with Jungkook and Jin.

The boat ride was silent. All of them just relieved that it's over. Namjoon has never left your side since he stepped on the boat. He draped you with another towel and sat in front of you. He cleaned your wound and cover it with a bandage. "It doesn't look that deep. But I still think that it will scar. Let's go to the hospital after this, alright?"

You just nodded. You then reach out your hands to him. His brows knitted in confusion. "I am cold."

He then took your hands in him, rubbing them to make you warm and blowing them in his hands. You giggled as you saw what he did. "I just want to make you warm." He said sheepishly. He stuttered. "I- I know you just went for a few minutes, but I really miss you. I am just really glad that you're okay." He kissed your hand softly.

"I am sorry." You then leaned to him, stealing a light kiss which made Namjoon gawked. "But I am here now."

Namjoon then pulled you into his arms, hugging you tightly. He rested his head on the nape of your neck, breathed in all of your smell. "You are here now."

You both stayed for a moment in each other's embrace. You couldn't care with Yoongi and Hoseok yelled in disgust behind you, and the voices inside your in-ear. The moment is just yours and Namjoon's. You only heard the sound of the sea, the wind, and each other's breaths, but this time, you are not terrified. You feel happy. You feel completed. This time, the sea is your best friend.

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