the hickey

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You fell asleep after you told Namjoon what happened to you. Maybe Namjoon hates you, but you're his partner and he knows you needed that rest. He called Jin and Yoongi and filled in the situation that arose. He also told Jin about college friends of Minister Lee which you mentioned before you fell asleep. At first, he's mad because you didn't tell him a crucial clue sooner, but he will let it go, there should be no more fighting between you two. You both should realize that now you are working together, that you should tell each other everything regarding this case.

He has been listening to the headphone for several hours now. The couple's room was silent, meaning they both have already fallen asleep. He put the headphone on the desk, and stretched his body. He walked to the bed and sat beside your sleeping body. He watched as you breathed slowly. He never watched you this close before, usually, you sensed it so fast and you walked away or even chewed him out. But now, he could see your long lashes, your pinkish lips, the shades of your cheeks, and even a scar on your forehead. Where did you get that?

He remembers how soft is your lips when you kissed him on the plane. The kiss was sudden and light, but he couldn't help but notice how the kiss made his heart thumping inside his chest. How you affected him. He shook his head softly, maybe it because he hasn't done fieldwork for a long time, yet been in cover. These last 5 years, mostly he has worked from the office, trained recruits, and lead operations. Maybe I am nervous about this mission.

He then covered your body with a blanket and then walked to the bathroom to wash his face, to wake himself up. He has already gulped cups of coffee but he still feels tired. He sat on the sofa. His mind wandering, why you're attacked? Did they know that you are an agent? Did our cover blow? It has been less than 24 hours and you barely did anything. It's impossible. Or did someone misidentify you as Minister Lee's wife because you changed your room? Does that mean this threat is done by someone amateur? Or maybe it is just a random crime? He sighed in frustration. The threat itself has no clue whatsoever, now someone is targetting you? It's getting more complicated.

As morning came, Namjoon shook your feet slowly to wake you up. You stirred in your sleep and opened your eyes slowly. "Come on, y/n, we need to get breakfast and join the tour." Namjoon has already ready to go, he wore a red t-shirt which accentuates his hard chests and denim shorts. He looks hot in casual attire and you almost wanted to jump on him while you're this half asleep. Fortunately for you, you gained your senses to realize that the man before you is your job partner.

You walked lazily to the bathroom, your neck's still has a throbbing pain and your head still hurt. You brushed your teeth and picked your clothes for today. You're not in the mood of something girly, you just wanted to stay as comfortable as possible. You searched your baggage to find anything like a t-shirt and hot pants, only to find dresses. You wanted to yell at Jimin for preparing unnecessary things. You finally decided to put on the simplest dress you found. You tried to zipper your dress up, but your neck's killing you and you couldn't reach your zipper properly. Hesitantly, you called for Namjoon. "Namjoon-ah, could you please help me?"

He sat on the sofa. He was texting on his phone when you asked him. He grumbled silently and looked up to you. When he found you with your exposed back before him, he gulped silently. He was pulling your zipper you up as his eyes lingered to your neck, looking at your small bruise. "Luckily for you, it looks just like a hickey."

Your cheeks stained red shade as you touched your neck sheepishly. You laughed dryly. You then sling your bag around your shoulder and walked to the door.

His hand grasped your wrist softly. "Are you really okay? Can you continue?" His eyebrows knitted in worry.

You smiled and nodded. "I am okay. It is kinda hurt a little but I think I can hold it. Don't worry, I will not let this ruin our job."

"That's not what I me-." He sighed and released your wrist. "If you said so."

Broken Vase (Namjoon x reader) M | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now