the question

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5 minutes later, you found yourself getting calmer after drink a herb tea. You sat in the small cafe in the marketplace, which Yoongi's already checked to assume it's a safe place. Namjoon sat beside you and Yoongi sat across you, while Taehyung listened in his earpiece, as he continued to follow Dahee. You then pulled out the syringe from your bag and put it on the table. Namjoon looked confused and before he asked, you pulled a bottled juice out too. "I found this syringe hidden in James's backpack." His eyes widened. "I don't know what is in this syringe nor what he did with that. But before, I had a feeling. So I remove all the stickers on the bottled juices, and found this." You said as you showed him a tiny hole on the cap. "I also don't know whether the hole matched with this syringe or not, but I got a feeling that it will match."

Namjoon nodded. "Alright, we need to investigate this syringe and the bottle. And contact the company. If it is a match, we can conclude that it is attempted murder. I think we should tell Minister Lee and Dahee about the threa-"

"We can't!" You interrupted him. You grew anxious.

"Calm down Y/n. What do you mean we can't?" Yoongi asked.

You hesitated for a moment. "Because it is my bottle."

Namjoon shocked and grabbed both of your shoulders, forcing you to look at him. "What? What do you mean, y/n?" He asked cautiously.

You met your eyes with him, your eyes were glistening in frustration. "That bottle is my bottle. I've checked Minister Lee and Dahee's bottles and also yours. But there are no holes. That is the only one with a hole," you gulped, "it's mine." You wanted to cry. It's not that you've never been threatened before but It's just somehow made you nervous.

Namjoon looked at you in worries and confusion, "But why are you so afraid? You've been in plenty of fights and near-death-experiences, you know?"

"The driver.." you hesitated. "I think he noticed what I've been doing on the bus before. Furthermore he knew my fake name while I've never introduced myself to anyone except Dahee. And he felt weird."

"What do you mean weird?" Yoongi asked impatiently.

You look into Yoongi eyes, "His eyes and his voice feel familiar."

Yoongi noticed the meaning of your uneasiness, then slammed the table angrily. "That's not possible! You and I knew that he is dead! You even watched it!"

You couldn't hold back your tears anymore. "You and I both knew that we never found the body! And even I knew, that you don't believe it in the first place." you cried frustratingly. You hugged yourself tighter. This is definitely a nightmare.

Namjoon left in bewilderment. What the hell happened two years ago? He shook his head. "Alright, alright. We need to stop assuming things. Yoongi, can you examine those as fast as possible? And Y/n, we shouldn't let James knew that he knew. We must pretend like we know nothing. And we should keep an eye on James and the driver. I'm going to request a background check for them and send a back up to investigate them further. We should continue our plan like before until there's evidence. Do you both understand?"

Yoongi nodded as he grabbed the syringe and the bottle, "I will check these. I will prepare the back-up ASAP." He walked out of the cafe.

"Can you do this?" Namjoon asked. You nodded slowly. You took a deep breath and again for the second time of this day, you pinched your cheek.

It is just a mission. It is a different mission. You can do this. You're wrong about him.

When you finally walked back to the bus, you forced yourself not to mind James or the driver. Namjoon held your hand tightly to make you come to your senses. As you sat on your seats, he wondered, Why do they target you? Why we got no clues regarding Minister Lee, to begin with? Is this a trap? What if the threat actually addressed to you? He pulled his phone and wrote to Jin.

01.43 pm RM: background check of the driver.

01.43 pm RM: also can you give me the file of Y/n's mission in Hawaii 2 years ago? ASAP.

Broken Vase (Namjoon x reader) M | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now