Chapter 3

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Nathan's POV

After I chatted and ate with my friends, I proceeded to go to the bathroom to wash my hands.

As I was in the hallway, I saw a girl getting held by Gary, the school bully, I think Gary has a bad intention at her.

And then I realized that the girl that Gary was holding is the girl I admired earlier after bumping onto her.

"Please! let me go!" she said wanted to get her wrist off that boy.

I ran towards them the pushed the boy and punched him, then he fell down the ground.

My hands kinda hurt but it was worth it.

I ran towards the girl while she sobbed and that made my heart broke into pieces.

"Hey, are you okay?..... Jennah?" I asked and now I knew her name because of her ID.

She didn't replied and I understand it, because she was scared.

"By the way, I'm Nathan" then I rubbed her back soothingly, it makes her feel a little good, which make me happy.

She answered stuttering, thanking me, and I looked at her, "No problem" then I hugged her, she hugged back which made me happy and overwhelmed.

I brought her back to her room, but still worrying.

I left the school with my dudes then turned to our house.

"What an exhausting day." Shawn yawned.

"Yeah you're right, By the way Nathan, do you know who is the girl you bumped with, what's her name?" Yohan asked, while I starting to smile, I don't know why.

"Uhmm... her name is Jennah." I answered blushing slightly.

"Was she pretty? how did you know her name?" Liam asked too.

"Someone was beating her, then I punched that jerk then comfort her then I looked at her ID, her name was Jennah." I said looking sad.

"Wait what?! she was beaten by someone?!" Liam half shouted looking concerned.

"Yeah, and it was Gary." I said with a frowned face, annoyed.

"That jerk! I should see him tomorrow and talk to Jennah" Liam said then I nodded.

"Ok, I will introduce you to her tommorrow if I could." I said not being sure.


Jennah's POV

I was frozen when that Nathan hugged me, but it felt good.

I thanked him, and promised to myself I will use my powers to protect myself.


As usual, my auntie shouted at me, while I groaned.

She heard my groan! Then she turned her back to me, she threw the pan she was holding to and then she threw that to me, making a little cut and bruise at my head.

"Ouch" I said being in pain.

"That's what you deserved!" she shouted, and I held my tears back, instead, I got ready for school.

As I walk through the front door, someone shouted at me.

"Jennah!" A familiar voice said.

I turned to look who that was, and I realized it was Nathan, who saved me from Gary.

"Oh, hi!" I replied, he walked towards me, then hugged me.

I flinched, because we were not that close and he hugged me.

He noticed that, "Oh, I'm so sorry" he said looking embarassed.

"No, it's okay." I mumbled, "So? can we go now? let me take you to your room." he said happily.

"Yes." I said shortly and nodded.

We went to my room but Nathan had to pee so he went to the cr, while I waited for him.

When he finished we went back to my room then I sat down, and listen to the teacher.

*lunch time*

When I was walking at the hallway leading my path to the canteen, I felt something grabbed me, I saw it was Gary, with his goons.

Gary grabbed my waist and pulled me into his chest, while holding a knife at me.

My eyes widened because of fear.

"Be quiet or I'll kill you." he said sheepishly so no one can hear him.

I tried to focus but I can't, because I was fucking nervous.

We went to the library where no one's at.

He pushed me to the shelf then I glared at him.

He grabbed my waist and kissed my neck, gross.

"Stop it!!" I shouted then he covered my mouth to make me quiet.

He kissed my neck going down, then grabbed my thigh and grabbed it onto his.

"Don't worry Jennah, I will not hurt you" he mumbled at my ear then forcedly kissed my lips.

His hard lips dumped into mine, While his goons are holding my both hands forced me.

Then he tried to take off my clothes.

I cried and then tried to calm my self, I focused on crushing the vase above Gary's head, and I did it!

It fell on Gary's head then on his eyes, making it bleed.

I quickly ran to Nathan's room, because I knew he was the only guy I could trust and he protected me also.

Nathan is all alone with his friends, I ran towards Nathan breathlessly then I said stuttering, "He.....lp........m-me...
He ran towards me while I fell down the ground shaking nervously.

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