Chapter 2

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I stood up and then give the tray back to the canteen manager who selled some foods.

When I turned around I saw Gary at the front of my face, grinning at me while his goons at the back of him.

"Move!" I shouted then pushed him back, and then I walked to the side getting annoyed, what is he a wall? facing in front of me as if I got a detention.

"Hey! don't you dare fight with me!" he shouted while I continue walking.

Why am I gonna dare fight with him? what am I? A warfreak?!, thinking while walking.


Nathan's POV

I was walking at the hallways while listening to some music in my ears, not caring about where I was looking to, then suddenly I hit my chest to someone's chest but fluffy.

I think it's some boobs, my God! how embarrasing!

Then I saw someone fell to the ground then groaned, "Ouch", It was a girl.

She looks pretty! My Gosh my heart is fluttering!!!

"Oh, I'm so sorry miss" I said as my heart broke a little because of her pretty face groaning in hurt.

I then lend my hand to her then pulling her up, she was not heavy.

"I'm so sorry too." she said then quickly ran, because she is late I think.

My heart melts as I saw her pretty face, damn, She was so pretty!

I walked towards my classroom while thinking, "I should have asked her name" after my first class, I went to the canteen finding her.

I just can't stop thinking about her, I don't know why.

Then I saw my friends, Shawn, Yohan, Liam, I waved at them, they waved back at me.

"Guys! I met a girl and she was so fucking pretty!!" I said while my heart flutters everytime I mention her.

"Oh, Really? what's her name?" Shawn asked.

"Yeah, what's her name?" Liam repeated.

"I don't know and I just met her bumping to me then ran away" I said then pouted a little bit being sad.

"Was she scared of you?!" Yohan laughed. Of course not she was just in a hurry.

I rolled my eyes on him then frowned, I really hate him!


Jennah's POV

When I finished arguing with that stupid Gary, I went to my locker to put my notebooks in it because my bag was heavy.

Then I urged to go to the bathroom because I really wanted to take a leak before going back to the classroom.

After I take a leak I went outside of the bathroom, then I suddenly bumped my head onto someone's chest.

Not again! I bumped into someone earlier then it happened again!

I was rubbing my forehead then slowly looking up to the boy I bumped into. Yes, a Boy.

It was Gary, I frowned as I look at him, why does he follow me everywhere!

"Oh, hey Jennah, miss me?" he said then grinned wickedly looking at me.

Wait, how did he know my name?!

"How did you know my name?! and why are you following me?!" I shouted and being nervous.

"It's in your ID duh?" he said with a confused looking face.

I looked at my ID then sighed in relief, I thought he was stalking me.

"By the way, where are you going?" he said, acting concern.

"It's none of your business!" I said so I won't looked nervous that he might do something to me.

Then he frowned and grabbed my wrist pulling to the set of lockers, he then pushed my back at the locker.

"Ouch! why did you do that?!" I said then he tightened his grip to my wrist.

"OUCH! LET ME GO!" I screamed being nervous, because he's hurting me.

"What if I don't want to?" he smiled wickedly looking from my eyes to my cleavage as if getting me undressed, with his eyes.

"Please! let me go!" I shouted being nervous, so I can barely breathe, it happens when I'm nervous.

Suddenly, A boy ran to us then pushed Gary then punched him making Gary fall to the ground.

I sighed in relief, then slowly falling down in sitting position, while my hands are on my knees, wrapping them, then I sobbed, because I can't breathe normally.

"Hey, are you okay?......Jennah? the guy asked, I heard his worried voice.

But I didn't answer, I continued sobbing breathlessly.

"By the way I'm Nathan" he said as he rubbed my back soothingly

"Hi, I-I... a-am...... J-Je.... n-nah..." I said stuttering while sobbing looking at him worrying.

I realized that he was the boy who bumped to me earlier.

"Thank y-you" I said and wiped my tears. Damn, I was so dramatic.

"No problem." he said sincerely, then he hugged me, I hugged back.

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