Kami looks back and forth between us for a moment before handing me the iPad.

"Well you kids talk this over," she says. "I have a couple errands to run anyway."

She slips out quietly and leaves just me and Ava alone to discuss.

"Is this what you want?" I ask.

"What about you?" she asks. "This decision involves both of us."

I've wanted Ava since the moment I met her, even if I spent the majority of those first weeks denying it to myself. I can't imagine a life without her. The one time I tried, I demolished my entire apartment and drowned my sorrows in alcohol and lethe.

There has never been any point in pretending Ava is anything but the only person for me.

"I would do anything for you, love," I say. "I'm afraid of the risks. This is still something we don't fully understand. But the risks of mortality are seeming greater by the day."

Ava ponders for a moment before giving me a slight nod.

"What about your wings?" she asks. "They're a part of you."

"So are you," I say. "I can live without my wings. I can't live without you."

She gives me a sly smile as a slight blush washes over her face.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" I ask.

"I feel like it's the best option at this point."

"How romantic," I joke.

"I don't mean it like that. I mean, we already know we're soulmates. I know I love you. And being an immortal sounds pretty freakin' cool. I just wish there was a way to do this without all the complications."

"Well then, it's settled. I could never deny my baby anything she wants."


We arrive at the parking structure of our building and Zane pulls his Challenger into one of our parking spots. He turns off the engine and before I can even unbuckle my seatbelt he's at the passenger side door, opening it and scooping me up from my seat.

"What are you doing?" I ask. "I can still walk, you know."

"If you think I'm letting you out of my arms while you're ill, you're mad," he says with a grin.

"You're ridiculous. When I'm immortal I'm gonna kick your butt."

"Doesn't work like that, love. You may be immortal soon but you'll still punch like a kitten."

"Okay first off," I say as he carries me into the elevator. "Kittens have claws so they can scratch the shit out of you—don't disrespect kittens."

He chuckles in response as I attempt fruitlessly to wriggle out of his hold. I swear if someone else gets in this elevator and he still insists on carrying me I'm going to claw him myself.

"Secondly, you don't know. Maybe I'll be different and get super strength."

"Okay, love," he says. "Sure. When you get your super strength you go ahead and kick my arse. Until then, though, fighting me is pretty pointless."

I let out a sigh of resignation and surrender.

I really shouldn't be surprised that fighting a hulking superhuman wasn't working out for me.

We arrive at the top floor and the elevator doors part to reveal Kami standing at our doorway with a large brown woven bag.

"Okay kids, let's do this thing," she says as we make our way inside.

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