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   If there is something that I am a hundred percent sure of in my life is that I do not know anything. When you are young, you expect to have everything figured out by age 25, but here I was weeks away from turning that age, and I am as lost as I was when I was fresh out of high school at 18.

   Ever since Ian showed up in the new life I started for myself after he destroyed the one I had four years ago, things have turned upside down for me. For starters, I have not been able to go back to work since the day I walked out in the middle of a shift. I do not want to be around him because the memories are too painful to the point that I cannot concentrate on anything.

   For the time I have been out of work, I realized that I do not miss the job as much. Once, it meant the world to me being able to help others, but lately, there has not been any passion for the job since I moved to California. At this point, I had no idea if the lack of enthusiasm was because I felt lost or because the career path I took is not the one meant for me.

   Then there is the whole mess I made after kissing Evan. I admit that the mix of alcohol and the numbness I felt in my chest that night did not help me make a smart decision, but as days pass the more I think about how having his lips against mine made me feel. Having him so close in such an intimate way clouded my head in many ways, and it drove me crazy just as much as the feeling scared me. I do not want to be in a relationship because I always end up being the person that gets left behind with a broken heart. The whole situation of us been co-workers would not help at all, either.

   "Agatha, open the door. It's Bobby," I stared at my bedroom door while my uncle kept knocking. Either I wanted to or not, I was sure that he was not going to leave without talking with me.

   Sighing, I left the warmness of my bed and opened the door to find a stern-looking uncle on the other side. From behind him, I caught Buck passing by before he stopped and mouthed the word sorry to me. "Whatever you have to say better be important because you just interrupted my marathon of The Office."

   "I have given you the personal time you needed, but it has been a week, and I can't keep lying to the Chief for you. It's time for you to go back to work,"

   I knew this conversation was coming. I have been avoiding his calls just not to hear him saying this to me, yet here we were. I could not escape forever. I had to face the music sooner or later, but I do not feel ready for it. I thought a week away from work would help me figure out my plan, but surprise surprise, it has done nothing.

    "I can't go back," I shook my head, wrapping my arms around myself. "Why is he even here? We are not supposed to be working in the same area. I told you that I would not go back unless he is gone."

   Uncle Bobby pinched the bridge of his nose, letting out a sigh. I could see the frustration on his face. It was not my intention to make things even more difficult with my uncle, but my request was not going to change. When he got back from the camping trip, I made it clear to him that I would not return to work unless Ian were long gone. He promised that he would do anything in his power to try and fix the situation, but it is clear that he got nowhere.

   "I did my best, Agatha. The Chief and I talked. We came to the agreement that Ian will only be working on days that you are not scheduled to work. The part that I could not do much about it is that he will be tagging along with us for another week to get comfortable with the way we do things here in California."

   "This is ridiculous, uncle Bobby. I need him to stop ruining my life. He has done enough damage already, and I cannot handle another blow from him." My uncle wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer to him. Without a fight, I let him give me the comfort I have needed for a while. If there is something good I have gotten out of this mess would be getting closer to my uncle, he made me feel like I still had mom around.

   "I cannot imagine the pain he caused you, but you are my niece. You cannot let this guy destroy the only life you have, sweetie. We will get through this, but I need you to find the courage I know you have in you so we can work together with this situation." assured uncle Bobby giving me one final squeeze. I pulled back to look up at him. I could not help but smile; he looked so much like my mom. "It's only one week. Just one."

   "Alright, I will go back, but I make no promises that I will treat him in a professional manner."

   Uncle Bobby chuckled, shaking his head. "I do not expect any less from you. Now, get some rest, and I will see you tomorrow."

   We exchanged goodbyes as I walked him out of the apartment. Resting my forehead against the door, I took in a deep breath. I had no idea if this was going to work out, but I had to try for my own good and for my uncle. He was right; after all, I could not let Ian destroy the only thing that I can control, which is my life. I just need to make it through one week, and I would not have to see him again.

   "So, you are coming back?" I heard Buck asked from upstairs. Turning around, I looked up at him. He was resting against the railing, looking down at me.

   "We both know you heard the conversation, Buckley," I smirked. "But yeah, I am going back to work."

   "Good because we all miss your bossy tiny self." Evan smiled, making my heart speed up a little. I was starting to behave like a teenage girl, and I hated every second of it. "Oh, there was an envelope for you in the mailbox. I left it in the kitchen counter."

   Pouring myself a glass of water, I took the yellow envelope that rested on the counter. I looked at it and noticed it was addressed to me, but it did not contain the name or address of the sender. Frowning, I opened the envelope which contained some kind of photographs. The glass of water slipped from my hands, shattering once it hit the floor, spilling the water all over my bare feet and floor.

   With trembling hands, I looked through the pictures. There were pictures of me on my morning runs, pictures of me with the team, others with me, Chris and Evan, and one of Ian touching my arm the day I walked out in the middle of a call. I could feel my chest tightening, making it difficult to breathe as I noticed the words written on the bottom of the image of Ian and me.

Time is ticking. You will soon pay for what you did.

   "Aggs, are you okay?" Evan asked from behind me.

   I could not take my eyes off the pictures. Whoever this person was not playing a prank on me like I thought they did. This person has been following me for months by the looks of the pictures. They know where I work, where I live, and who knows what else.

   "Someone either wants to hurt me or wants me dead, Evan. Probably even both." I whispered, dropping the photographs to the ground. I could feel myself getting sick and sweaty. Forgetting there was glass on the ground, I ran to the bathroom, barely making it to the toilet before I threw up.

   At this moment, I was sure of something for the first time. My life and probably the lives of those who I love are in danger.

- - -  Author's Note - - -

Hey guys, I hope you are fine and safe. I want to apologize for the delay of this chapter and for making it so short. I had it written on my computer and for some reason half of it got deleted. I will add the deleted content in the next one.

Don't forget to vote and comment yours thoughts. I know I say it all the time, but reading your reactions and feedback motivates me to continue the story.

Love ya,
Paola 💕

Begin Again || Evan Buckley || 9-1-1 (Book 1)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя