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"I thought the point was to smash things, not each other," Eddie said, confused.

We were currently at Happy's Rage Room on an interesting call. From what we gather, two best friends turned into each other, causing one of them to attack the other instead of smashing the things they were supposed to.

Athena looked up from her notepad to point at the lady who was currently in handcuffs. "Wife," Turning to the other direction, she pointed at a black barrel in the middle of the room that was occupied with the other lady, "Mistress."

"Adulterous slut!" denounced the handcuffed lady.

It was not until that moment that something in me ticked off after hearing the lady's words. I do not know if it was everything that has happened to me in the past months, the anxiety of not knowing anything about my father or the mysterious note I got a few weeks ago, but I suddenly felt like I could not breathe. With every second that passed, I could feel my heartbeat getting faster and the room getting smaller while my hands got sweaty and started trembling. I knew what this was, and I needed to get out of here before the others noticed.

It took everything in me to make my feet move from where I was standing. Without much noise, I ran out of the room.

As the chill wind of the night hit my face, I started to breathe again with ease slowly. Sitting on the curve in front of the building, I wrapped my arms around my knees and rested my head on my lap as I tried to focus on slowing down my heartbeat.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

I kept telling myself just like my mom used to say to me whenever I was having one of these episodes as a child. Closing my eyes tightly, I imagined my mom wrapping me in her arms as she whispered me reassuring words trying to calm me down.

I would give anything in the world to have her back with me.

"Agatha?" Athena's voice snapped me out of my daydream.

Taking a last deep breath, I turned slightly to face her. "Yeah?"

"Are you okay, sweetheart?"

Nodding slowly, I turned around again and looked down at my hands. I heard Athena sigh behind me before sitting next to me on the curve.

"You do know that I interrogate for a living and have two kids, one of which is a teenager? I know you are not okay. What is going on?" she asked, putting an arm around my shoulders.

Without much thinking, I leaned in a little closer to her, enjoying her small comfort. "I think my brain had enough with all the things that have happened between the move, my dad and just life I guess,"

"You have been through a lot, honey. Not talking about how you are feeling can hurt that pretty head of yours," Athena said softly, kissing the top of my head, showing me her soft motherly side instead of the fierce Athena I always see in action on the field. "How about this weekend you, May and I have a girls day to pamper ourselves. Manicures, pedicures, and even facials, how does that sound?"

Begin Again || Evan Buckley || 9-1-1 (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now