Chapter Eighty One

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The sound of children playing and squealing amongst themselves, running around as Fred and George were the ones in charge of chasing, echoed through the Bennett's back yard

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The sound of children playing and squealing amongst themselves, running around as Fred and George were the ones in charge of chasing, echoed through the Bennett's back yard. Seated at a large table, the large group of parents watched them with big smiles on their faces.

"I can't believe she's already three years old. When did all that time pass?" Nadia questioned as she watched Gwen run away from Fred as he ran after her while George stopped to make faces at Ron and was making his little brother giggle in amusement.

"You're telling me? Soon enough I'll have to worry about not knowing girl stuff, and hexing boys away." Adam shook his head in despair, making those around him laugh in amusement.

"We'll exchange notes when the day comes." Helen chuckled, her own eyes searching through the garden for Aurora who seemed to be sitting with Bill and listening to him give a professor's lecture about Muggle devices he had learned about from his father while she soaked in every bit of information she could.

"Please, I'll start worrying prematurely if you two go on like this." Arthur shook his head, Molly laughing at his paling face. However, the parents' conversation was soon interrupted as a running pair rushed towards them.

"Daddy! Daddy! Save me!" Gwen suddenly ran to her father, climbing up his chair and into his lap, making sure to place herself out of Fred's reach just before he caught her. And once she was sure she was successful, she looked down at Fred and poked her tongue out at him teasingly.

"You know what you should do Gwen?" Adam asked and his daughter's eyes snapped up to him, a curious look in her eyes as he leaned down to whisper something in her ear. The three year old birthday girl, instantly perked up as she listened to her father's suggestion and it wasn't long before Gwen was jumping down to the ground and running away from Fred once again.

"What exactly did you tell her?" Sirius asked with a laugh as he watched a now determined Gwen run in a very specific direction towards some flowers, although he doubted that was the plan; to lose him in a patch of flowers. It became evident it wasn't the plan as the girl slowed her running now careful not to step on any of them.

"Should we be scared?" Henry leaned to Eliza and Nicholas as he whispered, his eyes never leaving the pair of kids, but he could still see both shrug their shoulders as they themselves had no idea what would happen.

"Just watch." Adam said, and, interested, all of the adults observed as Fred came up behind Gwen, the little girl suddenly turning around with a batch of dandelions in her hands and blowing them right into his face. His surprise resulted in Fred now being the one running away in the opposite direction as he waved his hands around his face.

A burst of laughter came from all those who saw while Gwen ran back to her parents. "I did it! Did you see?" Gwen announced once she reached Adam again. This time he was more prepared, his hands instantly reaching down to pick her up so she wouldn't have to climb his chair again.

"Why do I feel like the next time I try to get her to do something she doesn't like I'll have a face full of dandelion seeds?" Eliza questioned with a sigh, knowing how much Gwen listened and copied her father. She truly was a daddy's little girl.

"And I made a wish too, just like you said daddy." Gwen announced, obviously quite proud of her accomplishment.

"Oh you passed on that superstition. Ever since I've known him, he's stuck to that one. When you make a wish and blow on a dandelion, it'll come true." Nicholas laughed. Adam had believed the story his own parents had told him.

"I made some of the most important wishes of my life like that, and they all came true." Adam defended. Perhaps everyone considered it childish, but dandelion wishes never failed him before. And he wanted to pass that kind of hope and optimistic thinking on to his daughter.

"What did you wish for?" Gwen asked curiously, making sure she was sitting in a position where she could look up at him as well as be able to see the rest of the people sitting around them.

"Well, the last time I wished for something was quite some time ago now that I think about it." Adam thought back to his last wish, one he had made while he was still in his last year at Hogwarts. And after it came true, he had everything he wanted, he had no need for more wishes. "I wished that your mother would agree to spend the rest of her life with me."

At that, Nadia, Molly and Helen all let out a string of 'Aw's, finding the story so adorable, while Eliza herself stared at Adam in surprise for a couple of moments before she spoke.

"You never told me that." She mumbled, a smile coming over her face as she leaned over to kiss her husband's cheek, her head leaning on his shoulder as his arm wrapped around her.

"Oh you two are so adorable." Molly cooed with a wide smile on her face.

"Mummy, daddy, can I tell you what I wished for?" Gwen asked them hopefully, eager for her own wish to come true.

"Well I don't know Gwen, if you tell us it might not come true." Eliza explained, but a part of her still wanted to know what Gwen wished for on her birthday. She would of course do whatever she could to make the wish come true.

"I'll still tell you. I wished for..." Gwen started to share, making a small pause for dramatic effect during which multiple eyes turned towards Sirius with pointed looks in them. That girl needed to stop copying the adults around her, most importantly him. "Cake!"

The three-year-old's exclamation made laughter ring through the garden, and only increase as suddenly Ron appeared beside his mother, having crawled over to her seat. "Fwood?" The smallest child asked, his voice filled with so much hope while Molly herself wondered whether that was the only word he knew.

"I'll go bring out the cake right away sweetheart." Eliza let out a small laugh as she rose from her seat and made her way into the house while Gwen happily clapped her hands, calling out to the rest of the children to announce cake was coming. The swarm was instant and soon enough their table was surrounded by children on all sides.

"Soon enough, they'll all outnumber us." Sirius announced with a laugh as Charlie pushed him aside, demanding to be seated next to Nadia.

"In our case, I hope so." Nadia replied, sending her husband a small smile. The more they talked about it, the more they realized they wanted kids, they wanted to start their family and make it grow. They were only hoping it would happen soon enough. They had their whole future ahead of them, and they were ready to jump into it.

Published: 06th June, 2020

Guys... Nine chapters left. And as a bit of a tease of what is to come, yet another cover of something heading your way is up on the Shakespeare Universe Twitter hehehe

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