Chapter Thirty Three

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Nadia and Sirius' flat had become place for the gathering of supportive friends

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Nadia and Sirius' flat had become place for the gathering of supportive friends. With Marlene unable to go back to her house. Not only because the battle that took place within its walls had left the place a mess, but even if it hadn't, it was understandable that she couldn't bring herself to go back there. Lily went through the same thing after the death of her own parents, choosing to stay with James instead. In Marlene's case, Nadia and Sirius didn't even hesitate before letting Marlene take their guest bedroom.

And because of it, their flat was never empty. Friends came and went, wanting to be there to support the McKinnon girl. Nadia and Sirius made sure she was never alone. Even at times when Nadia had to go to work, or Sirius had errands to run, they made sure someone was there in case Marlene needed them.

But most often, people didn't even see the blonde when they came and stayed. Marlene refused to leave her room unless necessary. She locked herself inside, remaining by herself as she battled against her grief. Nadia and Sirius tried knocking and coaxing her out; Camille spent most of an afternoon one day, just sitting in front of the door and talking even though Marlene never replied. But Marlene didn't come out unless she knew that she wouldn't run into anyone in the flat.

Every night, Nadia and Sirius found some comfort when hearing Marlene shuffling through the kitchen. At least she was still eating and taking care of herself. The thought of coming out of their room and trying to talk to her crossed both of their minds, but in the end they decided not to push her. Everyone dealt with grief and loss differently, and if this was Marlene's way they had to respect it. What mattered was that she was eating, and going out there could risk her retreating to her bedroom and choosing not to come out even if she needed to.

But the flat was still a small one, and avoiding two out of three people in it was bound to be harder than Marlene initially suspected. So one night, after Lily, James, Nicholas and Henry had all left, being that day's visitors, and Marlene heard the door of Sirius and Nadia's bedroom close, she got out of her bed, thinking the coast was clear.

However, while Sirius had gone into their bedroom, Nadia remained in the living room much to Marlene's surprise. On her way to the kitchen, Marlene ran into the brunette when passing through the living room on her way to the kitchen. Nadia stayed back, being the one to put away some of the dishes which had been left in the living room after the departure of their friends. For a moment the two stared at each other with wide eyes, neither expecting the encounter.

"I didn't know anyone was still out here." Marlene mumbled, explaining her surprise, even though she was sure Nadia already understood it. She wasn't blind to the fact that the two flat owners retreated to their bedroom earlier than usual the past couple of nights once they caught the patterns in Marlene's ventures through the halls.

"I'm sorry, I just stayed back to clean up. I'll be out of your hair soon." Nadia apologized, not wanting Marlene to think this was some kind of trick meant to ambush her.

"It's okay, you can stay." Marlene surprised even herself with those next words, but while she didn't let it show, Nadia's eyes widened even more than they had before.

"Are you sure? I just have to put these away in the kitchen." Nadia explained, motioning with her hands to show the cups and glasses she held within them.

"Yes, I'd like it if you stayed." Marlene sent Nadia a small smile. It didn't quite reach her eyes, but it was still a smile, and seeing it brought one to Nadia's own face. It was the next step, and she was more than relieved and happy to see Marlene taking it. "Let me help, Merlin knows you'll break something if you carry all of that." Marlene walked towards Nadia, her words making the Volkov let out a small laugh.

"Do you want something special for dinner? Millie's been bringing food over all week, the fridge is fuller than it's been since Sirius bought the place." Nadia asked as the two walked into the small kitchen and set the cups away in the sink.

"Is there still any Sheperd's pie left?" Marlene wondered out loud as she moved to the fridge with ease, Nadia taking out the initiative to get her a plate and set of utensils. "There you are my sweet crusty delight." Marlene whispered as she pulled the container out of the fridge, making Nadia laugh in amusement as she heard the comment. She was happy to see that while the sadness was evident in Marlene's eyes, she was obviously starting to feel better.

"Don't judge me. Do you and Sirius want me to leave you any?" Marlene asked once she and Nadia moved over to sit at the dining table. For a moment, the brunette curiously looked between Marlene and the still quite full container before laughing once more.

"Knock yourself out." Nadia leaned back in her chair, and a silence fell over them as Marlene shuffled food onto her plate and dug in.

Nadia wasn't sure what to say. She didn't know what Marlene would want to or be ready to talk about. It wasn't surprising that the peace and her good mood was fragile, and Nadia didn't want to risk ruining it or bringing her friend down again. But while Nadia didn't speak, Marlene could see her struggles painted across her face, so she decided to be the one to bring it up.

"I want to thank you. I know I haven't been very... Social, the last couple of days, but-"Marlene was ready to apologize, knowing that she hadn't expressed much gratitude during her time at Sirius and Nadia's but it didn't mean she didn't appreciate their help. However, Nadia was quick to interrupt her.

"Don't. There's nothing you have to apologize for Marls, you needed time. The important thing is you know we're here whenever you're ready and may need us." Nadia reached over the table, grabbing Marlene's hand reassuringly. "Whatever you need, we're here."

"There is something I've been thinking about." Marlene suddenly admitted, making Nadia send her a curious look. She was glad Marlene was starting to come back to them, and ready to do whatever it was that Marlene would want. "I want to go see Helen." Marlene announced, and Nadia found herself surprised by the words.

"Are you sure? Because if you're not ready, it can wait." Nadia tried to reassure there was no rush. Helen Carmichael had come over to the flat one afternoon, wanting to speak with Marlene, but when she learned it might not be possible, the woman had said Marlene was free to come over whenever she was ready. For some reason, the widow wanted to see the McKinnon girl, and Marlene respected that wish. It was the least she could do after everything.

"I'm sure. I was just wondering whether you'd maybe come with me?" Marlene mumbled the question out, for some reason fearing that Nadia might say no. But of course, she would never do that.

"Just tell me when, and I'm there." Nadia nodded her head in confirmation. It was going to be hard on everyone involved, and if Marlene wanted her present, Nadia would stay with her as long as it took.

"Thank you." Marlene said with a crack in her voice, standing from her seat and walking over to Nadia, her arms going around her shoulders once the brunette stood from her seat and pulled Marlene into a tight hug. Marlene was crowded with sorrow and darkness, but it was things like this that made her believe she could pull through. It was people like Nadia, Sirius and Camille, and all of her friends that continued on to give her the hope she needed.

Published: 04th November, 2019

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