Chapter 3 : The Hookup Pt. 2 *UPDATED Chapter*

Start from the beginning

On the way to the nightclub, Nikai got a call from his father saying they had an issue that he needed him to tend to.

So he made the pit stop before going to the club since it was on the way.

" We figure either two or three guys killed them all that quick. Some sort of ploy no one saw it coming." Jason explained. He was the second in command for a dealer named Knox who had built a relationship with the Williams for some time now.

" Nobody on the streets heard about something like this going down. So whoever did this is keeping this shit tight to the chest."

Nikai walked around the space dissecting everything he was saying as well as intricately scanning the room with his eyes for things their eyes weren't trained to look for.

" Security systems hard drive was taken so we're blind here.  All we do know is 9:30 Keys comes for his shift and finds them dead and the shipments in the warehouse are missing."

" I want images from every security camera within a 5-block radius," Nikai stated. " If you have any trouble call that number and it will be taken care of."  He sent a text from his separate phone. An android that had a private VPN that wouldn't be detected.

"Make sure your phone is charged and on. Whenever I call. I expect you to answer, am I clear?"

"Hey, wait a minute, Um, Mr. whoever the hell you are. What do we look like to you your lackeys or some shit?" Sitting back and sighing he placed his pistol on the table and opened up his suit jacket wondering who was this guy that Knox said was coming. He didn't mind working with others it was the entitlement that he didn't like.

He was dressed like some thug that belonged on a corner and he was bossing them around? He was confused, to say the least.

" We don't know who you are. This is our business, be clear here you are the fucking guest."

Nikai straightened his shoulders back and looked at the four men who sat at the table. Taking a seat in the lonesome chair he sat up straight and adjusted himself and decided to meet them on their level.

" Let me apologize for my conduct. This was very last minute and caught me off guard as I was on my way out and was told to stop here because of the situation at hand. The work I do is done swiftly but sufficiently. The death of Knox's workers and the missing shipments have interrupted operations here. Imports, and movements of goods, have all stopped. And that is unacceptable." Nikai stared into each man's face.

" Me and or my brothers are who my father calls when people like you fuck up."

" I don't like your tone- "

" Now we could care less about the bodies that comes with the job but the shipments are where we come in. Knox bought that from us and we keep tight records on who buys our products as well as where they are distributed. With that practice, the Williams Syndicate has been able to stand the test of time unblemished and when things of this nature happen we have a problem because if you fuck up that's a potential blowback for us and we can't have that."

"Mmm." Jason twisted his lip up.

" I am now accountable. Your boss has taken money from us for years. Money that comes with conditions. Non-negotiable conditions. The problem you're having with me is you think that you mean something. You don't. I am all that matters and what I say goes." Standing up he grabbed the switchblade from his back pocket swiping quickly above Jason's adams apple where a thin line of blood appeared startling the men around them and making Jason freeze.

"And just so we are very clear here I'm not here to say please. I'm here to tell you what the fuck to do." Locking eyes with Jason Nikai grabbed the side of his suit jacket wiping his blade clean.

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