First Edit, Part 17

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"This way," said Grandpa leading the charge up Mount Huygen with its cheesy treasure awaiting them at the summit. They walked over ridges, around rocks and often through craters, as there was not always an abundance of direction to choose from. Grandpa checked their oxygen as their backpacks were weighing them down, they were on schedule but needed to be careful of their breathing. The only thing more precious to them than cheese was oxygen. No matter where they stood on the moon it always barren, either at ground level or up the mountain. The darkness of space and the light from earth was always present as their journey continued upwards. Along cliffs, valleys and ravines they hiked their way up the mountain, that is until a sudden gap halted their progress and risked derailing the whole expedition.

"Woa," said Adrian looking past the cliff edge. He kicked a small rock over the edge and it floated down to its death. The cliff looked up at them, now knowing how to treat living guests. Rocks were one thing, but living people were something entirely new and different; it wanted to invite and embrace them, but a long fall is never good for living things. Grandpa stood at the edge and looked down, the rock was floating out of sight and swallowed up by the darkness, Woody was held back by Adrian as they both stood away.

"Hmm," contemplated Grandpa, the cliff edge did not look tempting, "how far do you think it is?" he asked looking at another ledge that was tantalisingly close but on the other side of a sudden drop into darkness.

"3 meters? 5 meters? 10? Could be anything," Adrian replied taking comfort by holding onto Woody.

"Hmm," replied Grandpa. That was all he could say but his mind was spoilt for choice with replies. The cliff took his breath away and now wanted the rest of him. "We need to jump," he finally said with the cold air enveloping them. Although it was barren the moon had its own beauty, like a landscape painting; but they were droplets of paint that did not want to smear across the canvas and spoil the whole view for future visitors.

"What?" cried Adrian, "you can't be serious?" Grandpa walked past him, measuring the distance and calculating how much of a run he needed. "You can't! We will find another way!"

"No," Grandpa simply replied, counting the paces from the edge.

"Let's go back," he urged.

"Ready?" said Grandpa, tightening his backpack and preparing himself. He saw past Adrian's plea.

"No, wait!" cried Adrian. Grandpa was bouncing up and down. It may have been cold there, but one could still warm themselves up when it comes to exercise. Woody stood and watched, his head followed Grandpa behind him and then in front. "Wait!" but Grandpa began running and bouncing. "Ahh!" squealed Adrian; the only words that he could muster as his lips tremble. But Grandpa was already full steam (and bounce) ahead. The cliff slowly came to him.

His feet embraced the ground and dug themselves in. He picked up speed. His old muscles and bones ready themselves for the leap of his life. Another step closer and the rocks and cliff itself began to take notice; they could only watch alongside Adrian. He leapt. Adrian froze in fear. Grandpa's spacesuit carried him up and gravity helped for a while. Adrian was slowly further away and the other ledge crept towards him. His legs stretched out across the canyon. Arms flailing helplessly in directions. A few moments of relief came as his backpack lifted from his shoulders because of the gravity. His breath had left him at the edge and was waiting to rejoin him as his foot started to tickle the other side. First, his toes embraced the floor, then the whole foot. Both feet reunited on the ground. He landed on the ground and fell forward, making an improvised somersault with his cumbersome and rigid backpack with his equipment. He flew in the air like a bird only to land like a rock on the other side of a big rocky cliff on the tallest rock on a giant round rock made from cheese, floating around their home, a rock flooded with water.

Birthday on The MoonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon