Twilight Rejects

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'È quello che è'


Nico decides on how to proceed with the new found information and unknowingly gets increasingly involved in the antics that follow these wannabe ghostbusters.


'Dying is easy, young man. Living is harder.'

Nico thought that he had wanted a contently quiet and peaceful life after the war was over. He thought that he would want to experience that kind of generic American teenager experience; but he soon realised that he never would and probably never will.

It's fatefully impossible for a demigod, such as himself, to delve into the normal mortal experience; especially as a child of the ever dramatic 'big three.' He'd never known that average life before everything went down, it's hard to imagine it happening after several decades. In the past, he was ignorantly optimistic towards ever aspect of life, without once knowing Bianca's pain of having to act as his sole caretaker despite being a kid herself. It was no wonder that she has decided to separate herself from him once she'd known he would actually be taken care of, it was no wonder that she had wanted to immediately ditch him for some badass female warriors that literally promised eternal life.

Who wouldn't take that opportunity?

In Mystic Falls, Nico is offered the somewhat rational day to day life that a teenager his age would experience. Even under the fake pretence of being completely human. He felt weirdly at home. The energy surrounding the place kept him revitalised, the people were uniquely attuned to the going ons and he was rarely bothered by foul or unsavory monsters of the Greek world.

It almost seemed as if even they too were wary of this place.

He wanted to stay in Mystic Falls.


After the whole ordeal of finding out his mother was a witch, associated with different covens internationally due to her unique magics in necromancy, Nico had found himself attached to the girl that was constantly followed by multiple fragments of deceased ghouls. This happened after Sheila introduced the two, thinking that Nico would be a gateway for Bonnie into the whole witchcraft experience.

Somewhat like how a parent would try friend their child with the kid with high grades, hoping that the mindset would rub off on them.

Bonnie had politely invited his presence to multiple of her outgoings, the first being a pleasantly simple meet-up at the grill with a few of her other friends. This had continued for a couple days with them making conversation on topics he couldn't quite understand. Most revolving around the ceremoniously complicated Elena Gilbert.

It seemed her life was much dramatic.

I mean, more than half of the group's conversations were centred around her relationship with Stefan and her obsessively conflicting feelings for Stefan's brother - Damon.

Thinking back on it, he saw the only obvious solution which none seemed to consider. Just form a threesome. It's not difficult. I mean it might be slightly incestuous but no one seems to mind it when Zeus does it, so it shouldn't be a major problem.

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