Felicia: Who do you think it is?

You smiled when you heard the noise again.

Y/N: Another Striker.

You quickly rushed across the street, careful to not get hit, and looked down the sidewalk. You saw someone in a leather jacket close a car door before entering a shop. You walked closer and the man stepped back out with a cigarette in his mouth. He lit it and put out the lighter before looking around. He spotted you and the cigarette fell from his mouth.

Robbie: Y/N?

You smiled as you bkth hugged each other. The others caught up and Felicia smiled.

Felicia: Robbie!

You let go of him so she could give him a hug of her own. The two parted and Robbie looked at the both of you.

Robbie: The hell are you two doing here? It's been two years...

Y/N: Actually it's only been a few minutes. You guys must've gotten dropped here just as the loop reseted. We got a lot to explain but we need to find Katie first.

Robbie: Yeah. She'll like to hear this.

Riri: You know where she is?

Robbie suddenly blushed while he rubbed his neck.

Robbie: Yeah. You could say that.
You all stood in front of a nice house where Robbie and Katie lived. This wouldn't be so weird if it weren't for the fact that the two were now dating.

Y/N: Looks like everyone is making the most of these loops.

Riri: Tell me about it.

Robbie led you all inside and smiled.

Robbie: Honey! I'm home!

Katie: Robbie? You're back early.

You all watched as Katie appeared from the kitchen with a pink apron that was covered in flour. She stopped when she saw all of you.

Katie: What the hell?

Cat: Hey girlfriend.

She immediately lunged on Cat with tears in her eyes. You watched the interaction and smiled.

Robbie: She's missed you guys. Where is everyone else anyway?

Riri: Stuck in Time Circles like you. Me and Y/N got lucky and were able to escape from ours. We've been going around to find the others. So far we've freed Viv, Doreen, Felicia, Nadia, and Quentin.

Y/N: They're safe in the future with Miguel. The Spider-Man of the year 2099.

Katie: 2099? That's so far.

Viv: Thier technology has allowed us to find you. Robbie is a unrecognizable signature but you and Eli are in the database.

Robbie/Katie: Eli?

Robbie: Is he safe? He was with us for the first year but then he just up and vanished.

You sighed.

Y/N: He's in Vietnam. We were hoping you both had a way to get to him.

Robbie and Katie looked at each other.

Katie: Don't you dare.

Robbie: I have to.

He walked over to the table and picked up a letter. You had seen something like it before in a text book. It was a draft letter.

Robbie: This is our ticket.

You took a deep breath. Everyone must have known what you were thinking.

Felicia: You can't. You'll get hurt.

Y/N: I can heal.

Viv: Not mentally.

Y/N: I'll be fine.

Riri: You're both crazy.

Robbie: We have to find Eli and bring him back. This is how we do that.

He threw the letter onto the table as you thought. Felicia grabbed your arm.

Felicia: Please Y/N. We just got you back.

You looked at her before kissing her head.

Y/N: We have to. It'll only take us a while but we will be back before you know it.

Felicia shook her head but gave in. Viv couldn't argue either. Robbie walked over and hugged Katie.

Robbie: I promise I'll be safe.

Katie: You better come back to me or I will go there myself and drag you back.

Robbie laughed before kissing her.

Robbie: I promise.

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