A quick shit post

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I felt like making some memes. Some memes may have foreshadowing 😉


Fresh: take of my jacket homie 

Discord: ok

Fresh: now take my shirt of my rad dudet

Discord: Fine. Whatever 

Fresh: *takes his stuff from Discord* Now all up and stop wearing my clothes fam


Ink: *to Error* You're ugly, you're disgusting, I'm gonna kill you. 

Error: Bitch

Ink: *sobs violently*


Nightmare: it all started with my terrible drinking problem....

Cross: oh? How s-

Nightmare: *goes to drink glass of water and spills it onto his whole face*

Cross:......I'm call Dream 


Lust: HELP HORROR! I'VE FALLEN! *laying on the floor*

Horror: lust what are yo-

Lust: I've fallen for your beautiful eyes~

Horror: *gay panic*


Dream:  🎵hello🎵

Ink: 🎵Hello🎵

Blue: 🎵Hello🎵

Outer: hey guys! I brought piz- *falls into an explosive booby trap*

Blue, Dream and Ink: OH NO!


Dust: I'm talking you on a date

Killer: ok?

Dust: I'll pick you up at 8.

Killer: we live together?


Horror: Kills. Do you know what the hardest part of a funeral is?

Killer: No?

Horror: My dick.

Killer: *trying not to laugh*



Dallas: Oh yeah?! Which one?!


Fell: Geno and I don't use pet names.

Orchid: what's the blue guys name in Aladin?

Fell: Genie?

Geno: *pokes his head out from around the corner* Yeah babe? 


Moonlight: I only got 6 hours of sleep.

Gradient: Oh yeah? I only slept for 5 hours.

PJ: Oh yeah? I only got 1

Incobux: oh yeah? I didn't sleep.

Discord: *stumbles through portal, pours coffe grinds into her mouth with one arm and pours boiling water into her mouth with the other.* Wh-wH-WhAt y-y-yEaR iS-s-S-S it? 


Word count: 314

SORRY FOR NOT POSTING A REAL CHAPTER! I'VE JUST BEEN HAVING A ROUGH TIME! But for reals thanks to anybody who still reads this book. I know it's not alot of people but it's still nice people like what I write. Anywho, Good night or good bye!

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