Merry Christmas (not canon)

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Discord: I dOn'T gEt ThIs...
Error: n-n-n-nEiťhEr dO ï

Discord and Error stood near the snack table, each wearing Christmas sweaters. Discord's read "happy capitalism day" and Error's read "well shit there goes my cash".

Cross: why did we invite her to our house again?

Cross was upset at the fact that the same kid who ********* his ***  (spoiler for later in the book) for who knows how long! He also wore a sweater. His said "Happy Cross-mas!" With X's all over it.

Nightmare:Because Criss-cross I want to make it up to her...

Nightmare didn't really give two shots and wore a black sweat

Cross:....I'm sor-


Dust ran in with Killer and Horror close behind him all in Christmas sweater. They had alcohol, snacks, balloons and eggnog. Horror's sweater said "Let's" and on the back "I'm santa" , Killer's read "get" and Dust's said "Broken!" In bold letters.

Lust: well this should be amusing~

Lust was sipping punch and talking to Geno and Ink.

Geno: oh fuck me gently with a chainsaw (WHO GETS THAT REFERENCE?!)

Ink: heh, I'm with Lust 

Ink and Lust both wore sweaters while Geno wore his normal clothes. Ink sweater just had a bunch of colors on it and Lust's had an arrow pointing to his ass and above the arrow it read "Santa's favorite hole"

Orchid: *sign language: this sucks ass

Reaper: yerp

Both skeletons where durnk, sad and had come wearing t-shirts that read "I'm not gay. I just want your dick"

The party was....chaotic and everyone loved it

After a 5 hours of awkward conversations, rude jesters, a few fights and a fair share of crying, the party was over. Everyone left castle after Cross made everyone clean up their shit. When every one had left he Cross and Nightmare went to bed.

Nightmare: Hey Cross

Cross: yes Nighty?

Nightmare: Thanks for making me do that. It

Cross: Anytime you sourpuss

Nightmare laughed. He kisses his husband and went to bed

Merry Christmas Ya harry poataeto cat and a very happy new year! ♡♡♡
Word count: 359

DiscordOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora