Chapter three

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Dreams P.o.v 
Nightmare finished his story and everyone stared at him. He began to cry. Blueish green tears ran in a steady stream down his cheeks. Cross teleported away and Nightmare began crying harder. The goop melted off of him leaving him crying purple tears. he wasn't the king of Nightmares. He wasn't the lord of negativity but he was my little brother. The brother who I was never there for. The void was filled with silence until it was broken by loud cackling from Orchids cage. "Maybe I should have tried to kill Nightmare! No one would've helped him!" Orchid said. Everyone turned and looked at him. He had a large black vine coming from his eye socket. The vine used throns to latch onto his skull leaving cracks."Shut up..." I said walking over to his cage. He continued his cackling. I grabbed Orchid through the bars and smashed his skull against the bars "AAAAAAAAAAH!" He screamed out in agony. "DREAM LET HIM GO!" Blue yelled trying to pull me away. I kept banging his head until everything went black. I used my staff to light the place up. Both Error and Orchid were gone.

Error P.o.v
The lights went off. I felt something pick me up. I closed my eyes. When I opened them I was in the doodle sphere. Ink was holding me in one arm and that Orchid guy in the other. There was someone dressed in a long black cloak. "HoW nIcE oF yOu To sToP bY dAd~" the cloaked figure said. What did they mean 'Dad'?

No ones P.o.v
Orchid and Error where gone. Killer, Horror and Dust had formed a circle around their king. Dream and Blue started looking around. Reaper sighed. "God danm it. Why do I always need her help?" He said pulling a jar of a strange Dark blue sludge out of his pocket and drawing a pentagram on the ground. "Ěæ ğœ đćň §ĕþ!" Reaper said. Flames exploded from the pentagram. When the flames stopped a girl was there floating in the circle. She had light brown skin. Her hair was purple and blue and went down to her hips and covered her left eye. She had two horn one of which had been snapped of in the middle and a thin black tail. She Grinned at Reaper. "Well Well Well~ to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit Reaper~?" She said. "I have no time for your shit Aven!" He growled "Find Error and Orchid!" He said. Aven smirked a toothy smirk. Her teeth where sharp and a had two snake like fangs. "Not this time Reaper~" she said. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'NOT THIS TIME'?!" Reaper yelled. 

Reaper's P.o.v
Aven laughed. "This time I want you to do something for me first~" She said. At this point Everyone was staring at her. "Who the fuck is she?!" Horror asked gripping his axe. "Oh! How rude of me! I'm Aven, (Aven is pretty much satan)Daughter of Anna royal scientist of the heavens and Queen of hell and that Axe won't hurt me hun~" Aven said grinning. "How did you get here?" Nightmare asked. Aven glared at me. "Well...Reaper here used a jar of my blood to keep me bound to him. Which sucks because I have a husband and kids." She said. I rolled my eyes. "What do you want me to do?" I asked her. "Well I need you to find a friend of mine. Her name is Eva." Blue jolted up. "I KNOW EVA! SHE'S FRIENDS WITH MY BROTHER!" Aven stared at him. "Really?" She asked. "Yep! She's there now I think!" Aven smiled a little "Dust and I could go get her!" Blue said rapping his arms around Dust. "Killer go with them." Nightmare said standing up. "Queen Aven. If we do this may will you help me as well?" Nightmare asked. "And what might I help you do?" Aven said crossing her arms. Nightmare said nothing Aven grinned. "I understand. I will help you if you find her."

Dust's P.o.v
Blue teleported us to underswap. Blue led us to his house. We went inside to see three Papyrus's. One was wearing a cloak that looked like Reaper's, one was stretch and the final was wearing a Aqua croc top and a pair of light gray skinny jeans. Strech and the Reaper Papyrus were glaring at each other and the Aqua one was making what looked like Ravioli. "PAPY! HAVE YOU SEEN EVA!?" Blue said startling the three. "Bro! I'm busy right now!" Strech said gritting his teeth I chuckled and whispered to Killer "I bet he's after the the blue Papyrus." Killer laughed. "What's wrong Strech? Can't help your brother~?" The Reaper Papyrus said smirking.  Strech rolled his eyes. "She's at muffets." He said. I teleported yas all to muffets just in time to see Swap Alphys get flung out of the window and a girl with Blood red angel wing and a shattered halo jump out onto her and started punching the shit out of her. Blue shrieked in horror and Killer smiled his insane smile. The girl was human....kinda. Her skin was the same as the Aven girl. He hair was in a crew cut. It was mostly brown and the bottom was purple and the tips that hung over her face were blue. She wore a dark blue trench coat with gray striped sleeves. "EVA STOP!" Blue cried out. Eva looked up at him. The whites of her eyes had become black. One of her eyes were a normal brown and the other was a blood red. Magic was flaring from her red eye. She began to calm down when she saw Blue. "Bl....ue..." she said she got off of Alphys and hugged Blue. It was less of a hug more of her collapsing onto him. "Blue. Is this who we're looking for?" I asked grabbing my knife. The girl looked at me, then Blue and then Killer. She slowly backed away from us. "SHE sent you didn't she?" The girl said backing away further. Killer and I looked eye to eye. "Look kid. You really don't wanna fuck with us." I said walking closer to her. She looked delirious. " don't wanna mess with me!" I felt something sharp cut into my cheek...

Eva and Aven are my characters. They will be important later.
Word count: 1.75k

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