"Dylan, I'll call you later". I say.

"Great so you don't love me. After everything I do". He says and leaves.

"After everything he does? What like picturing other girls. Also a work call? I call major bullshit". Calum says. "I don't like that guy at all".

"What are you gonna do?", Hannah asks. "Do you love him?".

"I Uh- I think I need to go to his work". I say. "Start the film without me".

"Wait maddie", Calum follows me. "Do you?".

"Do I?".

"Do you love him". He asks and I shrug. "What do you mean", he says mimicking my actions. "I need to know".

"I don't know". I say releasing my arm from his touch. "I'll text you when I get there". I leave and get in my car to drive to his work.

He loves me? Or was he just saying that around Calum. He has an obsession about the fact we used to like eachother at one point he could just be saying it. I don't know if I love him or not, but I guess me saying that I don't know shows that I don't.

I pull up and go inside to the front desk. "Hi, how can I help?". The receptionist asks.

"Hi I was just wondering where Dylan's office was?".

"It's on the third floor but he's not in today". She says. "Can I help you with anything?".

"He's not in work? You didn't call him in?". I ask and she shakes her head. "Okay. That's all Thankyou". I smile and walk back out to my car.

'Hey wish you were watching this film with me'- I text Dylan.

'I'll probably see you tomorrow, work has me in all night'.

'You're in your office'.

'Yes but don't come down I don't need distractions'. 'I love you'

I get in my car and sit looking at the message. I love you. I read that out over and over and then called Calum.

"Hey what did he say?".

"He's not there", I say. "He lied".

"Well where is he?".

"Somewhere he's not supposed to be. Cal what if he's cheating on me?".

"It wouldn't surprise me at all, come home Maddie. We can talk or not talk when you get back".

"I just wanna watch a movie with you and eat pizza".

"Then come back to me", he says.


When I got back I sat under a blanket with my legs over cal and his arm around me to hold me up. "This is the best part". I whisper to him.

The part in clueless when Paul Rudd calls Alicia silver stone beautiful on the stairs. "This movie is so weird. That's her step brother". He whispers to me.

"Ex step brother for a month, come on it's so cute. They didn't even realise they liked eachother for all that time", I smile watching them kiss. "It's sweet". I look at him. Our faces where 5 inches apart and he smiles. "What?".

"I love how much you are a sucker for romance films". He laughs quietly.

"Come on even you love a romance".  I turn back to the tv and watch the end scene while he still looks at me. "You're missing it".

"No I'm not". As it finished the boys cheered.

"You guys love that movie", Hannah says.

"I love the main chick and that's it", cal says and I hit his shoulder. "Why don't you do her for Halloween?".

"Hannah we can both be her!". I say and she laughs. "Where's my phone?", I move my hands around under the blanket.

"That's not it", cal says groaning and I just laugh. "Definitely not it", I carry on laughing as he gets uncomfortable

"Did you just?", Michael looks and I nod while laughing.

"Here", Calum gives it to me and I look at it. "He text?". I groan and push him to lie down so I could lie on top of him.

"I don't know what he's doing", I sigh as he plays with my hair. Is it bad that when I'm with Calum all of my troubles disappear and it's just me and him then and there.

Michael and Luke left to go to their girls and Hannah took Ashton to her room. It was quiet between us, all I could hear was his heart beat against my ear. "I'm so tired".

"You can fall asleep", he says pulling the blanket over us. "I'm used to that".

"I know, that's why I lo- that's why you're my best friend", I laugh.

"I heard something once. It said people accept the love they think they deserve and you deserve so much more Maddie", he says and sit up hovering my body above

"What do I deserve?", I ask. "Tell me".

"A lot more. You need someone who notices the the little things about you like how you prefer vinyl to any other and that you hate when people litter, I love when you pick it up and hold it until you find a bin. You also cry at animal adverts where they're deprived of food. You always see the find good in People and that's why you'll always be better than me". I smile all the way through his speech.

"You really think that about me?".

"I always have".

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