Chapter 5

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I am currently getting ready for the day. I showered last night when I got home so I didn't need to curl my hair. Perfect for curling it. My outfit today consists of dark blue skinny jeans with a dark blue and red flannel shirt. My shoes were tan combat boots rolled down. After I curled my hair, I put a grey beanie on my head. Then I put my makeup on. A neutral smokey eye.

I decided that I was going to go to the tryouts for Lacrosse. I wanted to cheer on Scott and Stiles. Even though they'll make the team for sure. Once done eating breakfast, I brushed my teeth and grabbed my bag. 

When I got to the school, I saw Scott and Stiles walking so I ran to catch up to them.

"McCall! Stilinski!" I yelled and they turned around.

"Wilson!" Scott joked.

"So, you guys excited?"

"Definitely." Stiles scoffed.

"I hope I'm still team captain." Scott sighed.

"Of course you're still the team captain. You got your grades up just like Coach told you, right?" Stiles asked.

"Yeah, but he never told me I was back on the team. He just told me to show up at tryouts today."

"We got bigger things to deal with anyway. Did you tell Argent about Kate yet?"

"Ah. I texted him but he didn't get back to me."

"You told him his sister Kate came back from the dead over a text?" I asked.

"I didn't have the money to call France." Scott bowed his head.

"Yeah, you think you got money problems? Try paying for an MRI and a visit to Eichen House." Stiles sassed.

"Another notice?"

"Yeah, this one said, 'Final.' Now, what the hell are we even doing here anyway? We got like 117 million problems and worrying about out status on the Lacrosse team is not one of them."

Scott was staring off into the distance and I followed his eyesight. He was looking at the kid that was in goal. The dude was catching every shot. Like literally. "It is now."

Stiles turned around and saw. "Who the hell is that?"

The guys took off his helmet and, let me just way, wow. He was cute. Brown hair, blue eyes. So attractive.

"Nice, Liam! You might just be our first ever freshman team captain." Another kid patted him on the back. 

"Okay, maybe we should just practice a little bit." Stiles walked away and I smirked.

This is going to be a great practice.


I was waiting in the hallway for Scot and Stiles when that Liam kid walked out of the locker room. He smiled at me and I did the same.

"Hey." He said.

"Hi." I smiled, and... did I feel a blush coming on? No. No.

"I saw you earlier... with two juniors, am I right?"

"Yeah. Two of my friends."

"Ahh." Liam paused and looked at me. "I'm Liam."

"Ashlyn." I smiled and shook his hand.

"Pretty name." He smiled. "So why are you waiting outside of the locker room?"

My smile faded as I saw Scott and Stiles walk out of the locker room. Making a beeline for Liam and I. "Waiting for these idiots." Liam turned around and stepped back so he was standing next to me.

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