Chapter 4: Apologizes Accepted

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"Alright everyone, these are your test results!!" Narumi announced.

After a few mins later, everyone had received their test results, except me. Turns out, only Mikan failed." Ahaha, don't worry Mikan...I'm sure you can get higher in the next tests." Iinchou said, trying to comfort her. Poor Mikan. Her scores didn't even reach halfway...

I asked/heard all of their scores, if I'm not mistaken, these are their test results.

Hotaru- 96
Ruka- 96
Iinchou- 95
Koko- 84
The brat/bitch- 83
Mikan- 49

"Ehhh, Natsume-sama didn't get a 100?!!" The brat yelled, surprised. Blonde nodded. "It was unfortunate. His mistake was in no. 37 and there is only one student that got it correctly! And the student was..." He paused for effect. "Echo Ravenwood! Congratulations Echo, you got a 100!!!"

Everyone turned to look at me, even Natsume. I gave a big grin and peace sign. I hopped outta my seat and shoved my hands in my pocket, walking to get my test result.

Then, when I got my test, I immediately went to the brat. I went straight to her face and shoved it to her face and said, "In yar face, bitch!!! Yar stupidnez ain't no match far my awesomenezzzzzz!!!" I laughed at her angry bitchy face, knowing that no matter what she says, she'll always and always be stupider than me.

I laughed victoriously while walking back to my seat. My next victim is...

"In. Yar. Face. Kuro!" I laughed at my nickname for Natsume. It's perfect! He glared darkly at me, if looks could kill, a normal person be dead 1000 times by now. Unfortunately...I'm not a normal person~


"Hmmm?" I turned and stared with shock. No way, even in like, 100 years, will I imagine Ruka, talk to me.

"Um, I'm so sorry for thinking that you caused Koko-san to faint. He told me that he just experienced a headache and that it's not your fault...sorry for blaming you." Ruka apologized.

I blinked and chuckled, "No prob, man'. So anyway, mi'n Koko're friendz, and Koko'n ya're friendz, sooo can we be friendz???" I asked awkwardly.

He thought about it for a minute. "...sure..." I smiled happily, and genuinely. And he returned the smiled. "Ya knaw, I keep wondering...ya smile awesomely, sooo, why don't 'cha smile mur? ...I bet, Natsume would want' cha ta smile mur. I think, he'd be happier." I whispered in his ear.

He was shocked, "H-how did you-"

"Know? Hmmm, it was just a hunch." I shrugged playfully.

Then, we got interrupted. "Ah, Echo, I need to have a word with you." Blonde said seriously. I nodded, he rarely gets serious. And when he does, it's gonna be important...

"Ruka, nice talk'n ta ya and um, Narumi can I go to the restroom first? I really need to pee!!!" I pleaded. Blonde nodded immediately and I ran like hell, without a look back.

Ruka's P.O.V.

"I'm telling you Natsume, he's nice. Why don't you say sorry? You're the one that almost killed him..."

"I didn't mean it, okay?!"

I flinched, I hate it when Natsume's mad... "Sorry Ruka, but, he's just so annoying! I just, can't understand him! He's both childish and, and...scary." My best friend said hesitantly.

"I know, but Koko quickly became friends with him. And went I asked for an apology, he immediately forgave me. He's just...misunderstood." I slowly explain.

Natsume sighed. "...fine. I'll apologize but, nothing more." I hugged him, "Thanks for understanding, Natsume." He gave me a ghost of a smile, " prob, Ruka."

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