Chapter 15: The Cat's Outta The Box!!!

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(A/N: Hi. I'm so sorry for updating so late!!! Hey, this chapter is long, though, so enjoy it! Thanks for everything, guys. Forgive me if I'll update late...and it's because I'm very busy. Love you all for supporting! Vote and comment!!!)

Echo's P.O.V.

I've honestly forgotten why I'm actually following the black dude's command. Hmmm, now that I think about it...


"For you first mission."

I stared at the black dude as if he said something extremely inappropriate for children. Oh wait, he did.

Then I changed my expression into a smirking one. "And what makes you think that I will do this 'mission', los hijo de puta?" I said in a victorious tone.
By the way, those Spanish words that I just said means, motherfucker.

The black dude suddenly went in front of me and whispered something that made me agree. I looked at him straight in the eyes, "You wouldn't." He huffed.

"I would, and you know it." He copied the smirk I once wore. I gave a 'tsk', before sighing my whole breath away. "Fine bitch, what d'ya want me to do now eh?" The black dude chuckled creepily.

He got me. He bribed me to be his pawn. Sigh, oh well. At least I'll get paid for being it. "I will give you the privilege of skipping classes and doing what you may. Lesser of the academy's rules will restrict you, if you willingly do this mission and the sooner ones. If you don't, I will tell you friends of what you did to your parents and the other people. Those other dead people. Have you forgotten that I witnessed the most part?" Is what he said.

"Impatient now are we?" I rolled my eyes at his remark. Then he threw the perfectly-symmetrical mask to me. "That will be your mask. Natsume has his own, too. This mask will actually amplify your alice. Quite the opposite when compared to what Natsume has. But it is only because your alice isn't destructive. Compared to his."

"Your code name will be the Deadly Nightshade. For your first mission, you and the Black Cat," He pointed Natsume. "...will steal a file. See? Easy." He stated with a smirk.

I grabbed the mask and wore it. "Go on. Since this will be your first, Natsume, here, will assist you." I groaned as I saw Natsume step on the balcony's railings.

"What? You want me to suicide?" I bluntly asked the black dude. He gave an amused grin. "Maybe." I glared at his response. It was a rhetorical question, baka.

As soon as Natsume jumped out my balcony, the black dude whispered a sentence at me that gave me a slight tinge of excitement. Then he disappeared.

"Go absolutely crazy."


So yeah, that's how it happened. How I got bribed by the black dude. Sigh, he really didn't have anything else to blackmail me with anyway.

Currently, I am jumping from branch to branch, tree to tree, following Natsume, or should I say, the Black Cat? Towards the destination of where should we steal the 'file' from.

Right now, I feel like a ninja. Haha, lol. Anyway, it's not so bad.
The wind hitting your face as you land on each branch. The bursts of adrenaline pumping in your veins as you take that great leap in the air. And the magical view of the forest high up in the trees.

I kept following Natsume then after a bit of a while, he suddenly stopped. Then he looked down. I followed his actions and saw at least 15 black limos. The were all slowly traveling towards the North. "Holy shit..." I mumbled to myself. "...these guys must be rich."

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