Chapter 18: Questions Left Unanswered

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<<<Warning: This chapter may not live up to your expectations. This is most-likely just a filler. Please comment your thoughts but no hurtful comments. That is all.>>>

A simple recall:

Mikan gave a weak smile, "I...promised to...protect you...right?" Mikan said softly.

"No! Don't go!!! You're my only sister! The only one that keeps me happy! Don't go...please." Echo cried with tears. Mikan smiled her last, while caressing Echo's cheek.

"I'm so sorry...little sister." Then, her hand that was on Echo's cheek, dropped.

At that exact moment, it rained. As if the heavens were also experiencing the same sadness. As if the were trying to wash out all Echo's sadness away. As if the gods were crying along with Echo.

As if there were actually gods watching every scene that unfolds.

"Mikan!!! You promised to be with me right?! You promised to study, and graduate along with us, right?!!?" Echo cried on and on.

"No...don't leave me. Don't leave me alone..."

The pain of losing your relative, was so new to her.

That for the first time in Echo's life, she cried, for someone's death.


3rd Person's P.O.V.

Echo ran towards the Northern Woods, the only place that could calm her pained self. Foreign tears made its way as it fell from Echo's once bright, sparked eyes.

She was in so much pain. A kind of pain wherein you know something you've cherished for so long had vanished out of thin air, and that you can not replace such valuable item. Yes, and that 'item' is her only known relative, Mikan 'Sakura.'

Moments ago, it was just the funeral of her dear sister.

Echo couldn't help it, but to blame everything to herself.
If she wasn't that careless, she would have seen the gun in his hands. If she wasn't that stupid, she would have killed him before he even grabbed the gun. If she wasn't that weak, she would have saved herself and none of this would have happened.

If only...

Echo couldn't see Mikan's lifeless body, she didn't want to believe that the few happy hours ago, could turn into a nightmare she just wanted to get out of. She couldn't hold the pain. That's why she ran away.

Passing the first tree, she clutched her uniform tightly. Looking up at the darkened sky, she bit her lip. 'I'm sorry Mikan...but...I have, no, I want to do this...' She covered her dull eyes with her bangs.

On the other side

"How long...has she been gone...?" Ruka asked his best friend sadly.

Natsume looked at his watch, then stared hollowly at Ruka. "49 minutes and 26 seconds." A pause. "Now 27." The duo, along with their other friends, waited at Echo's room. They waited, for the cause of lifting her spirits, well, as soon as she came back...

Echo fled from the burial.
Natsume, Koko, and Ruka stood up and attempted to run after her, but Hotaru shook her head, as if saying that it was not a wise act to do so. "She needs space." She said.

"If you were in her shoes...wouldn't you want to breathe and get away from all these constant reminders of her death, as well?" Her tone was firm, yet it was lanced with a quiver. It affected her too. The Emotionless Queen of Gakuen Alice, was damaged by Mikan's death.

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