June 4th (polysexual)

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I'm so sorry but I can't think of any story for this sexuality. So what I can do is explain this for people who don't understand what it is.
So polysexual is not bi and not pan. It is kinda like an umbrella term. It just means liking more then one gender (not sex) it's not pan because pan is attracted to all genders and bi is 2. But poly is just more than one. It can up to 3 up to however many genders you think they are. It's just more than one. Wether that be girl, genderqueer, and fluid. It's up to them. But also all sexuality's seems just labels. Even if you only like 2 gender and people say your bi. It's still just a label and you should use whatever makes you feel most comfortable.
Okay I'm going to try to write a story but it's not going to be the best because I'm not that grate. I already had trouble with the first 3.

Renae was in a fight with a boy that just asked her out. "why won't you date me!" Brad yells at her.
Renae glares at him "Because I don't like guys" Brad laughs so hard thinking she's joking "come one you don't have to lie. You just broke up with that boy Alex like 2 weeks ago"
Renae crosses his arms "Alex is not a boy." She says "well he's not a girl so he's a boy" brad laughs
"Alex is not a girl ether. They are gender fluid" she looks at brad and he has the most look in his eyes "what! That's not a thing"
Renae is starting to get annoyed at brad "yes it his. They are gender fluid. I'm poly. I like and fluid gender, and girls. But I don't like boys" she walks away not wanting to hear him say anything about how it's 'not really'
Renae goes home and buys the biggest poly flag off amazon with same day shipping. It came that night and she smiles.
Renae then wears the flag to school and Naruto runs around the school with the flag.
She did get expelled for "making a disturbance" but she was proud with herself and so where her parents. Her parents where proud because their daughter was proud enough of herself to do what she did.

Again same as always I'm sorry that it was rushed I didn't know what to write as well as sorry for any spelling errors. I might post a lot of story's today. Or will have to write them after Tuesday because my girlfriend is coming over for the first time since March so I'm happy. Love you all stay safe and be proud

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