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Emma's head spun around and she stared at Regina with wide eyes. "Wh-what?!"

Regina couldn't speak, she couldn't believe she had just said that. She covered her face with her hands, trying to compose herself. Its too late, she knows now. I might as well tell her...

Regina looked back up at Emma and cleared her throat. "I care because I l-love you..."

"You do?"

Regina nodded. "I show I shouldn't have kissed you and I'm sorry...I let my feeling get in the way."

Emma looks down, not knowing what to say. "It-it's don't have to speak to me if you don't want to." Regina told her.

"I-how could you love me? Since when?" Emma mumbled.

"Since that day at the mines. And how you ask? Because Emma, as I've got to know you I've just-I can't even put it into words. But it happened, and I do love you I wouldn't lie about something like this..."

"But I-I'm a broken way am I good enough for you..."

"You're more than good enough...and I'm broken too. We can be broken together, if you'd ever let it..." Regina trailed off.

Emma looked up at her and walked over, putting her hands into Regina's. "What I that I do feel something for you. I don't know what it is, I'm pretty sure it's not love but...I know it could be. One day."
"So what are you saying..." Regina stared into her eyes.

"That I'm willing to give us a chance...if you'll still have me after everything that I have done." Emma gave her a weak smile.

Regina didn't answer, she just put her lips onto Emma's. It was different than the other two moments they had shared. This one was filled with love, and hope for a future together. They had both been crying, so all their emotions went into the kiss and it was slow and delicate. Just two broken people, coming together at last.


Regina's eyes peeled open and she realised they had fallen asleep, they were laying down and she had her arms around Emma. She was still asleep, breathing heavy, slow breaths. It reminded Regina of a few months ago, when they were still in their fake relationship...

Regina yawned and looked Emma, who was sleeping peacefully it seemed. She smiled, so happy that she was finally getting a chance with the woman she loved. Regina thought over everything that had happened and laughed to herself, what a crazy few months this has been.

Emma's eyes fluttered open and she looked at Regina. "Hey..."

Regina smiled, "It seems we fell asleep."

Emma laughed lightly, content in where she was. She kissed Regina's cheek and closed her eyes again, letting her mind wander. Emma opened her eyes again and groaned, "Oh no..."

Regina looked at her in alarm. "What?"

"I still need to break up with Killian." She sighed, "I feel bad for him, he was good to me. It's just I never really liked him...not like that anyway. It was more of a I could try to forget."

"Forget what?"

Emma looked at her. "Why you of course. You're pretty hard to forget you know." Regina grinned and then kissed her.

"Good, don't forget me."

Emma beamed. "I couldn't, even if I tried."

A little while later, they finally pulled themselves up. This time, when they tried to leave, they found they could go quite freely. The spell had been lifted.

"I guess we 'realised the truth'" Emma said, remembering what the note from Zelena and Henry had said.

Regina laughed, "More like admitted it but yes, I guess we have."

Emma took Regina's hand in hers and Regina poofed themselves to Granny's. They knew everyone in the town would be there for Neal, Emma's brother, who was having a birthday dinner with the whole family. Emma obviously should have been there already but...stuff happened.

The whole family stared at them and more specifically, their intertwined fingers. Henry and Zelena grinned and gave each other a high five, knowing their plan had worked.

"Sorry we're late..."

Killian was sitting at the bar and came over straight away. "Emma...what are you doing...with her...?"

Emma looked at him nervously, "I'm really sorry Killian, you were amazing to me and I've been so thankful for you these past couple months. But...I've recently accepted that I don't like you in the same way you do. Only as a friend. Sorry."

Killian looked at her and sighed, "It's alright love...I knew you didn't. I was just waiting for you to realise too..."

Emma let go of Regina's hand and hugged him. "Thank you." She released him from the hug and smiled at him. He returned the smile and then left. He was upset yes, but he had expected it all along.

"So, you two are finally together now? For real?" Zelena blurted out.

"We're going to try and see where it takes us..." Emma replied smiling.

"Wait wait-so you're back together? Emma I thought you were happy with Killian? It was going so well..." Snow asked, apparently oblivious to what everyone, even David, had realised.

"I never really liked Killian Mom...Regina is who makes me happy."

"O-Okay then."

Emma put her arm around Regina's shoulder and kissed her cheek. Regina looked at her and smiled. "It's just and me." Emma said softly. Regina leaned her head on Emma. She had never been happier.

i hate that i love you | a swan queen storyWhere stories live. Discover now