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Through all this, Henry was being affected the most. He used to love how both his mothers were friends, it was the closest they had ever been to a family. But now, it was like he was ten years old all over again. Except this time, they wouldn't even talk to each other.

It had only been two days after Regina visited Emma that she got the news that the Charmings had been told about their 'break up'. At least it saves me some explanations I guess, Regina kept telling herself.

She just hadn't been herself, ever since their 'break up' Regina had been upset all the time. It reminded her what she felt after Daniel died, except this time it was different. Back then, she knew there was no bringing him back. He was gone for good and there was nothing much she could have done to change what happened. This time, Emma was still alive. There still could have been a chance for a relationship...but Regina had lost hope in everything. She knew where she stood with Emma now, and she was trying to deal with it.

Most of all though, she was missing her best friend. Emma was too. She made it look like she was unaffected by all this, but it wasn't true. She missed Regina so much, she missed how they used to bicker and how they understood each other more than anyone else. She missed everything. Emma was also feeling hurt, she couldn't quite figure out why she was having this feeling though. She shouldn't care about any of this much...she was the one who had come up with the idea, she was the one who had suggested they end it, she was the one who pushed Regina away. It was on her mind all the time, and she hated it.

Today was Tuesday. It was Emma's turn to have Henry and it was time for the switch over. Of course, she was waiting in the car...not wanting any interaction with the mayor that was confusing her mind more than anything.
Henry turned around and looked at Regina. "Can you two like..sort it out soon? I know it's hard're both upset and I just want my Moms back to normal."

Regina looked at him surprised. "She doesn't seem upset...anyway why would she be upset? She was the one who broke everything off. She should be relieved."

"Well she is upset. For some reason it hurt her, and I think I know why...not that you would ever agree with me about it."

"Wha-Henry no...I've told you many times. It is just not possible. There's no way." She shook her head.

"Whatever you say." He smiled and hugged her.

Regina waved to her son as he left, and went back inside still thinking over what he had implied.

Emma had a lovely weekend with Henry. Unfortunately for her though, she also experienced a similar awkward conversation about talking to Regina again.

Henry walked up to her. "Ma..when are you going to start talking to Mom again?"

Emma looked at him in alarm, having not been wanting to have this conversation with him. "Uh I don't know. We just...we need space. Having a fake relationship was a mistake Henry, it was a pretty dumb idea from me..."

"But it wasn't...and the reason why you are so hurt is because you like her and wanted it to be real...but you got scared." He told her.

"Henry. You have no idea what I feel, and it is definitely not that. Stop being ridiculous." She walked away from him.

Henry learnt his lesson, and didn't bring the subject up for the rest of the weekend. Emma didn't trust that he would stay quiet though, and she needed to keep him quiet.

She wanted to stop thinking what had happened with Regina, she wanted to forget about it, she wanted to prove to Henry that she didn't like Regina like that and would never like her like that.

Emma knew exactly how to do it. The handless wonder that Regina hated. He had always shown interest in Emma but of course, she always rejected him. Not this time though. She could learn to love him, she was sure of it...she just needed time.

That's how Emma found herself walking across the deck of the Jolly Rodger. Killian spotted her right away. "What is the beautiful saviour doing on my ship? I haven't asked you out in weeks? No need to come reject me some more..."

"No, I've come to accept. If you still want to go out with me that is." Emma said, every word painful to speak.

"I knew I'd eventually win you over with my handsome looks." He smirked. Emma internally cringed but walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek anyway. Killian turned her head and kissed her on the lips. Emma kissed back at first, but it just wasn't the same as- no, I can't let myself think that way...

Emma pulled away and he looked at her strangely. She laughed awkwardly, "Sorry, I'm just nervous...yep...just nervous."

"Well you don't need to be nervous, it's okay." He told her. Emma nodded and couldn't believe what she had just done. It's fine, she kept telling herself, I'll learn to like him and will forget about Regina.

i hate that i love you | a swan queen storyWhere stories live. Discover now