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BANG! The doors of the Mercedes slammed shut beside her as Regina Mills finally arrived home. It took her a full three and a half hours to get back to her town Storybrooke after spending two weeks away. She was exhausted, as car journeys were always difficult to endure.

Her time away had been relaxing and a nice break from the busyness that came with being the mayor of a small town. However, even though the brunette thoroughly enjoyed her time away, she was delighted to be back. She had missed her son the whole time and now she got to see him again after so long.

Regina's son Henry was waiting for her at home to greet her. She rushed over to him, threw her arms around him and hugged him tightly. "I missed you so, so much Henry." Regina told him.
"I missed you too, and don't worry before you ask..I behaved wonderfully for Ma!" Henry laughed. You see, Regina shared her son with the sheriff, Emma Swan..but all that is too complicated to explain.

Regina and Henry sat down and ate dinner together a while later, catching up on what she had missed whilst she was gone and Henry questioning her about her trip. Regina felt so happy to be back with him, and had a constant smile on her face because of it. She didn't know how she ever left him.

It was not until Regina finished unpacking her suitcase, said good night to Henry, had a shower and layed down in her bed to sleep that her brain fully comprehended where she was back to or the more probable thought, who she was going to see again. Emma Swan. The blonde sheriff with an obsession with grilled cheeses and bear claws. The blonde sheriff who had become her best friend.

The blonde sheriff she had fallen in love with.

After all this time, she had finally admitted to herself her feelings. It had happened over her little holiday, where she just found herself missing the blonde more and more..even missing the way Emma used to irritate her. Some instances when Regina saw her, it felt like there was no oxygen left. Back then, she didn't realise that it was because she had caught feelings for her that she felt this way. She just thought it was awkwardness because of what had happened between them over the years. Enemies to friends. Friends to best friends.

Regina first felt it when Emma came to Storybrooke, one day at the mines. They were both worried about the one thing that will always unite them, Henry. Regina and Emma got close to one another and they were almost touching. Just by looking at them you could see the electricity between them. After that incident, that feeling came to Regina more often than not but she still never knew what it meant. It took them being properly seperated for that to happen.
The sun shone on Regina's face as she sat up to turn off the alarm the next morning. She had had an amazing nights sleep, finally in the comfort of her real home rather than a hotel in Boston. Today was Tuesday which was the day her and Emma always met up. They were having breakfast together at Granny's as usual.

She pushed open the door of the café and was greeted by the familiar hustle and bustle of the town that she had missed. Immediately, Regina spotted the blonde, her hair in loose curls and her face frowning at her phone as she was playing candy crush and did not like to lose. Regina thought she was looking adorable as usual, not that she would ever admit that to anyone. Emma's head rose up at the sound of Regina's heels and her face lit up.

"Regina! It's so good to see you. I've missed you!" Emma greeted her and pulled her in for a hug which she returned, Emma's familiar perfume was not missed by Regina and it made her realise just how much she had missed the sheriff.

"Me too Emma." Regina replied, "So how have you been?"

This light conversation carried on for an hour and all of the anxiety Regina had built up before seeing Emma had melted away. She really had missed the blonde sheriff and her insufferable ways.

"So, how are the Charmings?" Regina asked.

At the mention of her parents, Emma became nervous as if she was about to admit her darkest secret. She told Regina that herself and her parents had not been getting on well because they were insisting she look for a new partner as it had been nearly two years since Neal died.

If it was possible, Emma looked even more nervous as she said to Regina,
"Here's the thing, my parents will not leave me alone until I have found someone new and I was hoping thatyouwouldbeinafakerelationshipwithme."

"I'm sorry Emma, say it slower?"

"I was hoping you would be in a fake relationship with me."

i hate that i love you | a swan queen storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें