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KNOCK KNOCK! The noise shook Regina awake and brought her back to reality. She tried to move but found she couldn't as there was an arm wrapped around her waist. Regina looked up to see what looked like a blonde haired monster. Emma. What was she doing here? I went to granny's and...

Memories of yesterday flooded back into Regina's mind. The stares, the shouts, the cries, the hugs. She remembered everything.
Regina moved Emma's blonde locks out of her face and smiled. She looked so peaceful as she slept. Regina tried to recall what nightmare she had last night because she seemed to have them most nights but she found she couldn't. I wish every night could be like this.

Into her mind drifted day dreams of every night with Emma and how they could eat dinner together every evening with Henry, as a family. I would sleep in her embrace and never have a night mare again.

KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK! Regina had completely forgotten about her abrupt awakening. She gently unravelled from Emma's arms and got up. Her hair was a mess, but no where near as dishevelled as the blonde sheriff's. Regina opened the door slowly to reveal Henry standing on the doorstep.

"Henry! What are you doing here? Not that I don't want to see you or anything!" I asked him curiously. He just laughed. He had stayed over at Snow and Charmings last night Regina guessed.

"I heard about yesterday. Grandma said about how 'strong and outspoken' Mom was but I know her, both of you, better than that. I just wanted to check that she was okay." He told her. Regina felt a surge of love for him as he conveyed his kind nature and she couldn't believe that she had raised someone to be this caring and thoughtful.

"Come in," She beckoned him inside and he followed her into the living room, "as you can see she is sleeping soundlessly, like a baby"

"Hey..I'm not a baby!" Croaked the blonde, she peeled her eyes open, Henry's knocking had obviously woken her up too. "Henry, why are you here?" She sat up and yawned.

Henry took a seat next to her and gave her a quick hug. "I heard about yesterday and even though Grandma said you were more than fine I knew you wouldn't be. I had to see if you were alright."

"You're right, I was upset yesterday but it's fine now. I feel much better thanks to Regina, she helped me through it." Regina felt blood rush to her cheeks as she remembered being in her embrace.

"Mom are you alright?" He looked at Regina and she nodded her head shyly.

"I still can't believe your crazy scheme by the way, and before you ask Aunt Zelena told me."
Regina looked at him in shock.

"She told you?" Henry nodded. Regina sighed, why did Regina have to tell her son about these things?

Emma looked at her. "The question is, why did you tell Zelena?"

Regina became pink in the face, "oh, well uh I needed know..someone else to talk to about this.."

"O-okay..well looks like you have henry now too"

Regina looked at Henry and he opened his mouth and spoke again. "Apparently-wait don't worry I'm not supposed to say that."

Emma gave Regina a look that said 'what is he on about' and Regina just shrugged her shoulders. I need to be having some words with my sister with to what extent of my secrets did she tell my son. I don't understand why she cannot ever keep her mouth shut. It is like she sees Snow as a role model! Regina laughed to herself and they both looked at her strangely. "Sorry, I just thought of something funny," Regina brushed it off.

They didn't question her but still gave her suspicious looks. To get herself out of this situation she wandered into her kitchen and started on making breakfast.

A little while later, they were sat at the table. "I just realised, the last time we ate here it was one of the scariest and most awkward days of my life." Emma announced.

"Let's just be glad it is over then." Regina smiled at her. "So Henry, how was dealing with your grandparents? I hope they didn't annoy you too much!"

Their talking turned into an easy conversation and soon it was time for both Henry and Emma to leave. "Thanks for everything Regina,it means the world to me."

Regina squeezed her shoulder and said "You're welcome, there isn't anyone else I would do this for trust me!"

Then they were both gone and she was alone. Two minutes later Regina's phone began to buzz and someone was ringing her.


"Hey Regina!"

Regina rolled her eyes, just the person she was meaning to talk to. "I was about to call you actually!" She replied.

"Oh, why? Do you need something or do you just want a chat with your dear old sis?"

"Just how much did you tell my son? He seems to know more than necessary."

"Oh..that. Uhh-well I just told him what he wanted to know..."

"What does that mean? Zelena? Zelena!" The line had gone dead and Zelena had hung up on her. She didn't actually say what she told Henry but Regina could see the implied meaning. Looks like I'll be visiting her tomorrow to 'talk'.

i hate that i love you | a swan queen storyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat