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"I was hoping you would be in a fake relationship with me."

Regina stared at her blankly, not quite believing what sentence had just come out of her mouth. Emma could see the surprise written on Regina's face and shuffled in her chair uncomfortably.

"What do you mean?" Regina asked her, if she was even going to consider this proposal she would have to have more information.

"Well, as you've probably heard from my constant complaining about my parents and they will not leave me alone! So, I was wondering if we could pretend to be in a relationship to get them off my back for a while...then we can 'break up' and it will prove to them that I'm better off by myself."

Regina's stomach flipped over and she suddenly felt nauseous. For so long what she had wanted was right here, being suggested except she wanted it to be real. Could her heart deal with the suffering and heartbreak this would cause? Probably not. 'I should say no, that I'm sorry, but no' Regina thought.

The words 'okay' came tumbling out Regina's mouth before she could stop them and she hadn't even meant to say it. Emma's lips broadened into a grin and she said 'thank you' about a million times. She stood up and brought Regina into a tight hug, still whispering her thanks into her ear. Regina reassured her that it was fine and that she would do anything she could to help her as she understood how unbearable those two could be.

What had Regina's heart (it was definitely not her brain) just signed up to? She didn't know. However, she did know this is the closest she would get to her dream of being with the blonde. 'Even if it wasn't real, I would enjoy my time. Then, afterwards we would go back to what we always have been- best friends.' Regina thought.

It wasn't going to be that simple though was it? Life never was.

Whenever Regina found herself in this sort of predicament she usually went to Emma, but she clearly could not talk to her about this. She couldn't talk to Snow about this either for she was the exact person who could never know.

So, she decided to go to her sister Zelena. After all these years they have formed a close relationship and see each other multiple times a week. Today, coincidentally, was one of those days of the week.

Regina drove to Zelena's farm house on the other side of storybrooke. She knocked on the door and was greeted by her sister smiling widely, her bright blue eyes shining at her. "Hello sis! How are you?" She asked Regina.

When Regina didn't reply straight away Zelena instantly knew something was wrong. "What is it? Who do I need to throw fire at?"

"No one, Zelena. It's my fault. I agreed to it."

They both sat down in Zelena's living room which by no surprise, was filled with different shades of green. Then, all of Regina's words spilled out before she could stop them and she told her everything. Only once she had finished did she realise that she had never told her sister of her true feelings for the blonde sheriff.

"And why would this affect you so much! You are in love with her aren't you?" She said, realisation dawning over her. Regina just nodded, tears rolling down her face. Zelena brought her in for a hug, comforting her little sister.

When they parted Zelena held Regina's hand and smiled. "I'm proud of you for telling me Regina." Zelena told me and I smiled back at her.

It felt like a weight had been lifted off Regina's shoulders and she was so glad she had actually come to her sister for support. Often she found herself just keeping it in but it just makes her feel worse so in the last couple of years she has been trying to break that habit. She supposes it was because she hasn't had people there for her much in my life. Except for perhaps her father or maybe even Snow, no one really had her back until Emma started wanting to become her friend, her and Henry were the first people to truly believe she could change.

On Regina's drive home the next day, she received a text from the one person who made her nervous with every word they spoke. Emma.

Hey Regina. I just want to say thanks again for agreeing to my crazy plan. I was hoping that ‪on Wednesday evening‬ we could have dinner at ‪108 Mifflin Street‬ and 'reveal our relationship' to my parents? Let me know. Emma x

Great. A dinner with the Charmings was on the horizon. Looks like my acting will be coming into play sooner than I thought. Maybe I should invite Zelena for support? Regina thought.

She decides that she will and returns her eyes to the road in front of her. Whilst doing this her mind is contemplating the different outcomes that could come from the dinner. Most are the worst case scenario.

It'll be fine, she tells herself. Emma will probably just have to hold my hand and stand closer than usual but nothing else will happen. My heart will be able to cope with one silly little dinner!
Except it wasn't just a 'silly little dinner' my acting depended on Emma's happiness and I could not let her down. I love her, and if I can't show it in the ways I wish then this is the best I could do. She sighed. Her head had spiralled back into negativity and she could no longer see positives of this. Why had I agreed to it again? I wish I knew.

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