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It had been only a couple of days since the dinner when Emma contacted Regina again. She was just about to go to sleep after a busy day at work when she heard the BEEP from her phone interrupting the thoughtful silence.

Hey Regina, I was wondering if we could go on a 'date' at Granny's or something? We should probably keep it up as I don't want my parents becoming suspicious. Let me know, Emma xx

So that's how Regina found herself sitting in Granny's waiting for the blonde sheriff after her last meeting of the day had ended on Monday. They had arranged to meet at six but of course Emma hadn't turned up yet. People were starting to stare at Regina just sitting there by herself and it was making her uneasy.

She already felt apprehensive for this 'date' and the people of this town were only worsening Regina's mood. The door's bells chimed and in she walked. Regina looked down to hide her face of happiness and also, Emma seemed even more beautiful today, if that was even possible. Emma's blonde curls rested on her shoulders and her bewitching green eyes lit up at the sight of Regina. Ignoring the ever-growing open mouths, she strode over and sat down opposite Regina with a sigh.

"Sorry I am late, Pongo escaped and—why is everyone staring at us?" Emma murmured, her cheeks showing a pink flush. Regina turned around to realise that now every single person in the diner had stopped what they were doing to gape at them. In the corner of her eye Regina could see the Charmings. She made eye contact with Snow and she gave Regina an awkward smile. Regina simply rolled her eyes.

"Looks like your mother could not keep her mouth shut, again." She explained to Emma in a low voice, with a huge emphasis on the 'again'. Emma, finally understanding what was going on, groaned and stood up.

"Look, I don't care what you all think of Regina and me but we're together and that's that. I apologise that you had to hear it from my mother and not us we just didn't feel ready to announce it to the world yet." She said with a raised voice so that she could be heard over the commotion.

Murmurs broke out across the café and it couldn't be more clear that they were talking about Emma and Regina. Whispers and uncertain glances were being exchanged and it was clear Emma had had enough. She stood up again.

"Right, that is it. I do not care what you think about us but it is disrupting what was meant to be a relaxing lunch break with my girlfriend. We are leaving. Now." She exclaimed, holding out her hand for Regina to take which she did straight away.

So they walked out, hand in hand, with pride. As they carried on walking they didn't speak a word to each other but their hands remained linked.

"Emma," Regina said slowly, "Why don't I just poof us to my house?" she asked her as she was clearly upset. Emma just nodded at her.

Regina then covered them in purple smoke as they transported to ‪108 Mifflin Street‬.

As soon as they arrived Emma covered her face with her hands. "I'm so sorry this is all my fault. I should never have asked you to do this for me, it isn't fair on you. I'm just so stupid. I am so so sorry, Regina." Emma apologised, Regina could hear her voice cracking into a cry.

Emma looked up at her and tears were streaming down her face. Regina pulled her into my arms in a tight hug. She cried in Regina's shoulder and Regina just rubbed her back like she used to do to Henry when he was upset.

"It's okay, Emma really. I didn't have to agree, I could have said no but I didn't. And no, before you ask, I'm not going to abandon you now. I will stand by you in this and we can do it together." Regina reassured her.

"Really?" She asked softly.

"Of course. You are my best friend and the only one who has ever truly understood me. I would do anything for you." Regina pulled away from the hug and they both sat down on the sofa. Emma rested her head in Regina's lap and Regina began to play with her blonde curls.

"What about Robin? Didn't he understand you?" Emma asked her.

"He tried to, but he never really got there. I did love Robin, but I think our relationship rested too heavily on Tinkerbelle and how he was meant to be my soul mate. I think our relationship would have been better if it had happened naturally and didn't feel as forced by fate."

Emma nodded and smiled in understanding. Her eyes began to close and she was soon asleep. Whatever happened, I would not let my feelings get in the way. We would do this together. Those were Regina's last thoughts before Emma's heavy breaths led her to drifting off into a dreamless sleep.

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